Chapter Three

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Prompt- What if Betty tried to commit suicide not Cheryl in 1x13

(Try listening to 'listen before I go', by Billie Eilish for this one shot)

Jughead's POV

I'd just gotten my lunch and sat down at Southside high. I've been making a good group of friends, and it has been very quiet the past couple of hours. I would've expected for someone to be here by now, trying to get me back. Betty or Archie, but I'm actually glad that they didn't, I want to keep them safe from the dangers I'd bring. All of the sudden I got a call from Betty, speak of the devil...

"Hey Jug, I just wanted to let you know that I love you. And I'll miss you. I'm sorry. Maybe I'll get to see Jason where I'm going, and talk to him about why we left. Him a better reason then me I suppose. I love you Jug, with all my heart, never forget that. Goodbye, my love," And she hung up. I called Archie, my fingers moving faster than ever before. 

"Archie. I need your help. I think Betty is planning on committing suicide, at Sweetwater River. I need your help, help me save her. I'm driving over now, but get everyone you can, I have no idea what she is planning. Okay Archie. Let's go get our girl," I explained as quick as possible, trying to drive straight. 

Archie got there no later than I did. He brought Veronica, Cheryl, Moose, Kevin, Josie, The pussycats, and himself, of course. We all sprinted out to the river, following each other being careful not to step in the same place as each other had. The ice was thick, but not think enough to support all of us at the same time. I spotted Betty. 

"Betty!" I called out. 

"Don't do this please," "I need you in my life," "I love you Betty," but just as I'd talked her into walking towards me, the ice beneath her cracked and she fell under. I screamed. I think everyone did, Kevin called his dad, who got there immediately. We all sprinted, me running the fastest I ever have, even out running Archie. I took the pickaxe she's used to make the ice crack, and searched and searched until I found her. The axe was so old and dull it didn't do anything. So I took action, started to punch the ice until I broke through. My knuckles were split and bleeding all over the place, and I think I broke my hand. 

As soon as I broke through the ice I pulled her out and realized she wasn't breathing. Keller called the paramedics, but I knew better then to wait. So I tilted her head and breathed into her mouth. Then I did chest compressions, and went back and forth between the two, praying for her to wake up.

It felt like hours and hours with the two of us out there, us both fighting for her life. I was sobbing by now, and I think everyone else was too. I couldn't help but think that this was my fault. I did this, by moving to the Southside. I hurt her. I should be the one on my death bed right now. 

As I was lost in my thoughts, I almost didn't realize when her emerald eyes fluttered open, until I heard he gasping for breath. Then my tears became tears of joy as my true love appeared okay, like she would survive and I'd have her for another day. The Ambulance finally arrived, and they got Betty mounted in the back. I begged for them to bring me along, A because I'm her boyfriend and B because I saved her. So they ended up letting me in. 

It's been a couple hours. I've been checking in on Betty nonstop this afternoon. I feel so bad, for what I did. I feel responsible, like I could've prevented this by not being  a jerk and leaving her all alone. Betty is asleep right now, I'm laying next to her in her hospital bed. If I had lost her, I don't know what I would've done.

Betty's POV

I woke up to the faint sound of crying. When I looked up, I saw these gross bright lights and knew exactly where I was. I looked over next to me, and saw what had been making those sobbing noises. It was Jughead, he looked sad, and I don't think he noticed that I was awake, so I said, "I'm glad you didn't use the o happy dagger, eh?" 

"Thank god you're okay Betty," He said quietly, his voice tired and raspy, he looked like he'd been there the entire time I had. He had red, puffy eyes from crying and more tears streaming down his face. I reached out and wiped away his tears with my thumb, my own tears building up and eventually releasing. 

"God I love you Juggie," "I don't know what I would've done if I'd left," "I'm so sorry Juggie," I said, sobbing.

"No Betty, this is my fault, I'm the one who left you for the Southside. I should be the one apologizing," he said back to me, wiping my tears. I turned back to look at him again, the hurt and forgiveness in his eyes. I leaned over and placed my lips on his. He was gentle, like I was a piece of paper and he didn't want me to break apart. It felt like we were kissing for an eternity, before I pulled away and kissed away his tears, before I just laid my head on his muscular, perfect chest. I fell back asleep, this time knowing that I was wanted in this world, and also what or who I wanted. And he was right next to me, my love, my Jughead. I fell into a beautiful dream of bliss and love, as I always did with him around. Only because he is my life, and he is what keeps me sane, I promise I'll never leave you again Juggie.

How was it? Really sad I know, but beautiful. I cried, just so you know. Thanks for reading, have a lovely Easter (if you're Canadian, I don't know other peoples' holidays.)

~Live, Laugh, Love bughead

~From yours truly, Alli Elizabeth

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