Rawr XD

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im you're average nerdy girl who everyone ignores in the halls. I get bullied because I wear sweatpants . My dad left me when I was ten and three quarters, this horrible bitch.

"u look like bird poo that's been stuck on my window for three years" my bully wearing twenty inch high heels says with her icy blonde posey behind her

She doesn't know that I can't afford water so I haven't showered in four years. It hurts.

She slaps me. She hits my neck so hard that my ribs break. I don't cry because I'm used to it . I play dead for a while .

"Hey what the hell you think you doing"
My saviour says. Even his voice is hot.

I hear some barking noises, I'm scared of da dogs. I slowly open my eyes and look at the brownest wolf in my life. He turns into a human

"i am your saviour"

"ROHIT" i gasp. He's the hottest boy in the school. He's so quiet and a bad boy With his leather jacket.

"Give me your number cutie" the biggest bitch Britney aka my abuser says to my Rohit

"shut the hell up your mouth you remind me of the starving donkeys walking around in my village"

He scoops me into his skinny, noodle, arms. im drooling he's so hot. His arms start shaking and he drops me on the floor. I crack my head open and Rohit cries.

"Why did you have to be so fat now I have to go to jail you dumb bitch"

"Rohit stop you're making me get butterflies in my stomach"
He's such a dork heeeheeeeheeee

"no that's the six cheeseburgers you ate"

That means he's been watching me eat. I blush. Instead of blood rising to my cheeks tho, blood is dripping Down my cheeks.

Rohit leans down close to me. Man I love the smell of curry and not showering for ten years. (Shhh don't tell anyone but Rohit is poorer than me)

He places a pillow over my mouth and nose.

"I've always wanted to date a ghost" rohit smirks

Right befor I die, Britney bitch shoots him.

"Um queen go off I guess" she's my favourite person ever

"shut your crusty dusty stinky wonky shemlly Shelly jiggly ass up"

Wow I wish I was like her

"you drip with confidence" I tell my queen

"that's actually the $6788996527 liquid moisturizer that I use "

the she shoots me and I die


"Oooh ahhh immmmm aaaaa ghoosttttttt"

"you're acting sucks you're fired" the director of hardy potter says

"but I'm a ghost for realzies!" I possess Garry potter and kill herymonie and now Ron is my boyfriend

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