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Two years later

When the war ended, it ended almost as suddenly as it started. One moment, there were skitters invading our homes and taking our children. And then there wasn't. It was a long road, a long hard one paved in loss and sorrow, covered in innocent blood. Too many people had to die before the end came. People watched their families be torn apart and friends lost forever. They saw children become slaves and parents being slaughtered yet, we persisted. Despite all the demons we faced and all the loss we suffered we came out the other side. We fought through battle after battle with our heads held high because we knew one day the war would have to end either with the last of them or the last of us.

"And it was hard, believe me it was. To watch your family fall apart and not being able to stop it is the most heartbreaking feeling in the world. But despite all of that, we found a home. Each and every one of us. The 2nd Mas became our home." I said looking on to the crowd of people. Some old, some young, but all having been there. The families that were affected by the war, the ones who had seen their families be torn apart without explanation, guidance. They were the ones that needed to be taught.

Before I could ask if there were any questions, a hand popped up from the far back of the room. A little girl with strawberry blonde hair and light freckles dancing on her cheeks sat beside an older couple almost blending into the back.

"Yes?" I asked. The little girl stood, barely able to look over rows of people ahead of her.

"I was wondering how you made it. How did you survive? Weren't you like, in a ship? With them?" The little girl asked almost nervously. A small smile tugged at the corner of my lip at the memory of how I managed to make it out of that ship alive. Glancing down, I saw the scare that started at the back of my left hand knowing that under the long sleeve jacket I had on how the scare wound all the way up to my shoulder and around a small part of my back. I should have died from the explosion, the blast should have scattered my bits into the atmosphere. But the amount of skitters that were around the blast site took most of the impact. And when the blast shot me into the only other escape pod in the room, I had no idea the amount of luck I truly had. 

"I'm wondering how I mad it too," I laughed allowing the room to relax and laugh with me, " I should have died from the explosion. That was the point after all: One sacrifice for the good of all. But something kept me here for a reason. Whether you believe it was God or fate or destiny. Something gave me the will to live. And I guess I can say I'm thankful for it." I said letting a relieved smile pass my lips. Before any more hands could go up with questions, a bell rang signalling the end of The Talk. I rose from my seat watching as the wave of people moved from their seats towards the doors in the back of the room.

"Don't forget there are still open spots for grief counseling for those who continue to struggle. We stand with you not against you." I called out into the crowd. My eyes caught the faces of a couple kids who waved up at me from the small stage I had been positioned on. Waving back, I offered them a gentle smile before turning towards the stairs of the stage and making my way to the ground level.

"Some speech you gave there Grace." Tom's voice came from behind me as I stepped off the last step. I turned on my heels only to meet him with a smile and a hug.

"Glad you could make it Tom." I said stepping back and giving him a once all over. Since the war he's cleaned up, his features looking more relaxed with the shadow of wrinkles that had accumulated during the war. The beard he had carried was now nothing but mere stubble lining his jaw. The small silver band across his finger a reminder of his love for Dr. Glass.

"I wouldn't miss it. I saw Ben's Jeep outside so I won't hold you up much longer. I just wanted to thank you. I know I keep saying it-"

"Yes you do, an unnecessary amount of times." I chuckled, a sigh of relief washing over him.

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