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After class, Harry walked me out. It was quite awkward, I'm not even sure if this was even called being walked out. He simply followed me where I decided to go.
"We should hang out." He finally spoke up. I narrowed my look at him, a small smile forming onto my lips. I did have work to finish today, and Zayn did ditch our plans so I thought I would get that done at my flat.
"Aren't we already?" I chuckled, "You've been following me for the past five minutes."
He rolled his eyes, head dropping down being forced to watch his brown boots clear a path for him.
"I've also got coursework to finish up." I didn't notice I was frowning until moments later, quickly changing my expression blank.
"Yes, me too." He rolled his eyes. "Hicks assignment. We can work on it together."
I only shrugged, a pebble being found on the concrete ahead and I planned to kick it once we neared.
"Come on, there's cool Library on Fifth. Just a block from here."
"A cool Library? Never thought I'd hear those words in the same sentence."
"You're studying Journalism, I'd thought maybe you'd think Libraries are fun." I turned to him, giving a shocked expression. Hypocritical bastard, I could assume he likes libraries too! Would I say that straight up to his face? No.
"Libraries are never fun!" I couldn't help my laugh at my own words, shaking my head and finally being able to kick the pebble that blocked my path.
Goal for Rowland, number six! Hobbies include turning down new friendships and making fun of Libraries!
I came up with my decision, not thinking twice about it.
"Fine. I will accept this invitation, Styles."
"Styles?" He scoffed, obviously not liking the nickname. He began walking further ahead of me, but still in close distance. We turned the corner, adjacent from the area in which I usually go to attend the cafe with Josh and Zayn.
"It's your last name, isn't it?" The cool air brushed the side of my face, my teeth beginning to shiver from the close contact. It felt as if ice was dripping down my spine, like what you would do as a little kid to tease your best friend.
"Yes." Harry squinted his eyes diverted down to me, I now began to take notice of how extremely tall he had been, "Why yes it is, Rowland."
I almost gagged at the sound of my last name being used in this kind of manner. It's not catchy at all, it's different with his.
"Don't call me that." I chuckled, shaking my head and pulling my jacket closer to my frame.
"I quite like it, I think it'll stick." Harry quickly jogged ahead of me, grasping a door handle steps away from where I had stood, indicating that this indeed was the Library we were intended to go to.
"That was quick." I smiled, walking in first. The room was warm, not exactly filled up but not necessarily empty either.
I practically jumped once the door halted to a close, some readers giving us annoyed looks as we stepped in further.
He stayed quiet, leading me past numerous bookshelves. Finally, we neared a secluded corner in the back where all the Mac computers had been lined up against the wall. He dropped his satchel on the table and pulled out a chair for me, walking to the other end and taking a seat himself.
I sat, mirroring his actions and taking out my own journal which held the historical essay we started working on this morning.
I scoffed to myself, Thomas Hobbes.
Looking up, I noticed Harry already began moving his pencil across the page and I took it that our small talk was over, and maybe I should begin my assignment.
I thought to myself on how to begin my introduction. A question? Observation on the text? I could easily introduce his qualities and occurrence in the French Revolution?
"One time I came in," I picked up my head after around thirty minutes, Harry still starring at his paper as he spoke, "it was like the fifth time since I moved here, and I remember seeing this girl. She always came in alone carrying a Geography book. This other guy her age would follow her too but no one really went back there. I didn't take the time to talk to her remembering that I took Geography my junior year in California, so she was easily sixteen." He chuckled, "But I decided to follow her all the way back here and check out more of the space they got in this sick Library, but I couldn't find her. Then that day, I peeked in that corner over there," he pointed to a bookshelf just behind me, "and realized that she wasn't actually reading her Geography book with that guy." He finished, chuckling at the memory.
"You lived in California?" I gushed, dropping my pen onto the open page of my essay. I've always wanted to visit there, I've heard it's really hot in the summer. My parents have been, yet they've never took the time to take me on holiday with them. Harry did have an accent similar to my own, so I found it hard to believe.
"That's all you got from my story?" Harry bit on the edge of his pen, a habit I also hold. I rolled my eyes, but nodded nonetheless.
"Yeah, I did." Harry continued, "I lived in Holmes Chapel until I was thirteen, then my mum got a job offer in the states. Smack in the center of Southern California, I graduated High School there." He spoke, emphasizing the different education system they have.
"I knew I recognized the accent!" I pointed a finger across the table. He smiled and looked down back at his paper.
"Yeah, I've really grown to miss both places. That's why I decided to meet in the middle, kind of."
"So you moved to London." I caught on, nodding my head.
"Not exactly the middle in the distance perspective, but in the idle of how convenient everything is."
I smiled, nodding again. I must've resembled a bobble head at the moment, whenever he spoke I would just nod.
"So, tell me about New York." Harry bit his lip.
At this time, I've realized that biting his lip was his one true habit. Or chewing gum, that had been a taker as well. It didn't exactly annoy me, but it made me feel uncomfortable. I don't know why my knees felt weak, but it probably because I was was merely reminded of cannibalism.
He's not going to eat you, Fae.
"I've never been... " I shrugged, my voice barley audible. I didn't dare to look up.
It's pathetic, I know. I've never been to the states, I've only heard of NYU from my father as a kid, I always looked it up on my spare time too. My dad would take loads of trips there... I wish one day I could've gone with him.
That one day precisely.
I cringed, but nodded my head at him, "It has been my dream for as long as I can remember. London is probably on the small list of the furthest I've been from Bradford."
"You're just so set on going there, I just assumed..."
I gave a small smile, nodding at his statement. My hand reached for my phone, checking the time.
"It's already six? I've gotten just about nothing written."
Harry's eyes grew wide at my words, cursing under his breath quietly. He took out his phone in a matter of seconds and typed something aggressively onto the screen, leaving me with wonder.
"Everything okay?" I questioned. His head picked up, smiling with his white teeth.
"Yeah, something had slipped my mind. Everything's good." He chuckled, hand grasping on his journal, sliding it towards him and looking down at the couple paragraphs he had gotten done.
I couldn't help but just watch him. His eyes darted back and forth between each word as he skimmed the lined pages. Harry's left leg was stretched out to the side, being to tall to fit his knees under the desk, I suppose. My eyes traveled further and I yawned quietly to myself before observing his hair. It was remarkable how he could keep the curly ends tamed, and to draw the brown strands up to such a high ponytail, I've decided to secretly applaud him on the breathtaking appearance.
Fae, you're checking Styles out.

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