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"I've decided we're going on a class trip." My boredom subsided at my professors words, I picked up my head from my slumped position and lifted my ears to hearing level.

"I made sure to save the last five minutes of class today to inform you all, there is a new assignment. Kind of." He spoke with excitement, from the corner of my eye I saw Harry roll his eyes, most likely scoffing at Hicks' attitude. I would choose him over my English professor any day. She was beyond boring, Mrs. Hagrid. At least he had a sense of humor, and he likes being a journalist. I've never ever heard Professor Hagrid speak any more on her personal life, she hasn't even told us why she's an English teacher.

"We'll be going to France." My eyes were glued to Professor Hicks, knowing this whole situation was a joke.

I'd never been before, nor have I really dreamed of going there. I think of France as a sort of trip I would go on for fun, not exactly that I would really plan to go before I die. I favor the states more, for some reason I strive for American accents.

French accents were quiet hot as well, so maybe this trip will be upbringing.

After minutes of chatter, the squeals of excitement around the room subsided, "Sort of an inspiration, but you'll be brainstorming with your partner for the short story I've already assigned. Somehow you will have to incorporate France. The characters could take a trip, there could be a French television show on in the setting of a situation, a French cafè- anything you can think of!" Professor Hicks trailed his way over to the door, and within seconds he opened the barrier keeping us in.

"I will assign rooms and such later, and due to all of your excellences in majoring in my course, the university has offered to pay for the whole trip. We'll be gone for two days, maybe three. And, we leave Saturday." Among the cheers of my colleagues, the sound of the bell signaling for us to head to our next class sounded.

"You're going to France?" Abbie gushed, our arms linked together as we followed Josh down the street. Tonight is Zayn's Art show in downtown. He told us to arrive on time, and if we ended up being late I know he would be furious. It is a semi classy occasion, so it did take us quite awhile to get ready, I'm guessing we'll be two minutes late.

Still late enough to piss him off.

"Yeah, it's crazy, I know. Uni is paying for the whole thing too, something about how we major in Journalism and we're an excellent course." I spoke, looking at Abbie with a grin.
She was sporting a purple cocktail dress, stopping at her mid thigh. On me, it would've looked slutty no doubt, actually on anyone it would've. Yet, for some reason Abbie can really pull anything off, which bugs me.

"Do you think you can sneak a couple of Art majors in?" I rolled my eyes a Josh's comment, his hand finding the small of my back as we turned the street corner.

Josh was clad in black jeans, and faded orange collared shirt with flower designs that I remember he picked out last year at a local thrift shop back home. I thought I would hate the shirt, but I've come to love it. It makes him look like one of those beachy lads or some white boy who claims to love Tyler the Creator.

We came to a halt at the sound of electronica music filling the brick building, glass doors open wide. A sign outside held the words, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON ART SHOW, and we waltzed inside.

Upon entering, I caught sight of Zayn talking to one of his friends, Drew. Drew was a Musical Arts major, Zayn must've given him the invitation in class or something. He also isn't bad on the eyes, and I know Abbie thinks so too, once we walked in I already felt the judge on my shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2015 ⏰

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