The Great Golf Cart Race

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I was going to visit my Great-grandfather in a small town in Alabama called Geraldine. My grandmother told me I could bring a friend, so I brought A.J.

Once we got there, we immediately got on the golf cart and rode around the farm. A.J. was driving and going crazy when another golf cart pulled up beside us. It was One Direction.

"You guys wanna race?" Louis asked and then we both pulled over.

"Yeah sure." A.J. said.

"Let's pick teams." Lou said talking to A.J.

"You and I." I started.

"We don't wanna be like them, we can make it to the end. Oh You and I." Harry sang and then winked at me.

"Hey it's not X Factor auditions!" Niall screamed.

Everyone climbed out of the golf carts and Louis picked first.

"I want Niall and you." Lou said pointing to A.J.

"I have a name!" she screamed.

"What is it?"

"It's A.J.!"

"Ok then I want Niall, Liam and A.J." He said.

"Zayn, Harry, and Michaela looks like you're a team." A.J. said.

"Michaela, that's a nice name." Harry said.

"Thanks, now we can do this! I'm going to drive, but first we need a team name." I said climbing into the drivers seat.

Harry sat next to me and Zayn next to him.

"I think we should be called Harry and the wizards." Harry said.

"No. Zayn?" I said.

"Huh?" Zayn said.

"Never mind. How about the Baconaters!" I said as my mind drifted to giant bacon cheeseburgers.

"Cool." Harry said leaning closer to me.

"Ok! We are called Team Awesomeness!" Lou shouted.

"We are the Baconaters!" I screamed back.

"Well we're gonna eat you up!" A.J. said.

"Homey J you must be cray." i said.

"Hey Home Slice! You're the one with multiple personalities."

"Hey! Don't make Ghetto Michaela come out!"

"What are you two talking about?" Liam stepped in.

"Oh, well you see most people have mood swings, well Michaela has personality changes. Like Ghetto Michaela, Cool Michaela, Nerdy Michaela, Smart Michaela, Butthole Michaela, etc." A.J. said.

"Oh." Liam said.

"Hey can we get this race started?" Niall asked.

"Yes we can." I said.

We all climbed into our golf carts and Louis said,

"1 2 3... GO!"

We both headed off as fast as we could. They were barely ahead of us.

"Go faster you stupid golf cart!" I screamed.

Harry put his hand on my thigh and said, "Hey it's ok, calm down."

I turned to look into his bright green eyes. Next thing I know Zayn is screaming.

I look back in front of us and we're winning, but we are also about to hit a tree. I turned as fast as could. We barely missed it.

Somehow Harry knew exactly how to calm me down. He kept his hand on my thigh until he yawned and put his arm around my shoulders. This is the day I've always dreamed of, it's finally happening! He started rubbing my arm.

"Hey Batman!" I screamed.

"What?" Liam asked.

"Not you Liam, I meant A.J."

"What Captain America?!" A.J. screamed.

"Rock me?"

"1 2 3..." A.J. said.

"I want you to hit the pedal, heavy metal. Show me you care, I want you to rock me, rock me, rock me yeah!" we both sang and then started laughing.

"So are you guys like hard core directioners?" Niall asked.

"I guess you could say that." I say.

"Home Slice don't lie! We are very hardcore." A.J. said.

"So how old are you guys?" Harry asked.

"I'm 16 and Michaela is 17." A.J. answered for me.

"Cool." Harry said scooting closer.

"Harry stop flirting with her!" Louis screamed.

"Michaela, do you have any windows around?" A.J. asked.

We both laughed at our inside joke.

"Umm... I don't think there's any windows on a golf cart." Liam stated.

"We know, it's just a little inside joke we have. We were writing a 1D fanfic one day, and I was dating Harry. So in the fanfic, I got mad at Harry and A.J. threw him out of a window." I said.

"Really?" Harry said raising an eyebrow and I blushed.

"Michaela and Harry!" Louis screamed.

"HAM for days bra!"

"Ham where?!" Niall asked.

"No. It obviously stands for Harry and Michaela." Zayn said.

We all just stared at Zayn in amazement that he got that.

Zayn just shrugged and then started fixing his hair.

We were getting close, the finish line was just a few feet away. I pressed the pedal as hard as I could and we sped through the finish line.

I jumped out of the golf cart and screamed, "YES WE WON!"

As Harry climbed out I ran over and kissed him out of pure excitement. I tried to pull away but Harry grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him as he deepened the kiss.

We both pulled away at the same time and I blushed.

"You're so cute when you blush." Harry teased me.

I smiled and looked up into his green eyes.

"Eww PDA!" Louis screamed.

I laughed at Louis and so did Harry. It really was a great golf cart race.

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