New Mission

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It was a new day... Again Damien thought for himself. New day new missions and new enimes butt to kick. He went to the kitchen to grab a snack before starting the day and to his suprisement the purple clocked girl Raven was there making her usual morning tea not paying him much mind.

"Hi " was all that came out of Raven when she noticed that Damien were standing right next to her. " you did good yesterday during training" she complemented.

"yea you too." Damien responded nonchalantly

"Thanks."she whispered back.

There was a second of silence before she sparked another conversation.

"So what was really up with you the other day... when we were training. You seemed to have a lot on your mind." Raven pointed out.

"Don't worry about it " Damien answered quickly.

"But I do worry Damien that's why I'm asking. I... I-I care about you." she said trying to keep a straight face.

She was surprised herself when she heard those words coming out of her. She didn't realize that she cared that much for him. He had been a part of the team for a time now but she didn't really think that he meant so much for her.

While Raven was up in her own thoughts. Damien spoke up again.

"Well you don't have to". He said sternly while not looking at her.

"Have to what? She asked a with confusion.

"Care. About me". He answered slowly gazing up at her.

They were interupted by the red alarm system which indeckaded that they had a new mission. They gathered around in the common room for a short briefing and quickly went to put on their suits.

Jump city 20 min later

Considering the whole team were fighting juts some usual bank robbers the fight didn't last verry long and they could call it a day.

But right before Raven where about to send her last energy ball at the last robber Damien deteckted an enemy on the roof holding a knife behind Raven. Damien knocked him out before he could attack her and Raven took out the last bad guy that was trying to run away.
Damien gave her a nod and the team returned to the tower.

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