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Bonus chapter

Damien's p.o.v

Now I and Raven been in a secret relationship for a week. And today it's our anniversary. Bruh why do I know this, I sound like a dumb teenager. This women is making me dumb.
And I love it.

Me and Rae walked into the coomon room and just about when we gonna sit down. The whole team jumped out from the kitchen table and yelled " happy 1 week anniversary guys" and me and Rae just stared at each other, thinking "wtf".

"Ehhhh guys, what's going on? What are you doing?" raven asked confused.

"It's your anniversary today. We need to celebrate." kori said and blew the party box.

"what anniversary, what are we celebrating? Damien interrupted.

" your one week of being a couple dumbass. "Beast boy said.

Damien gave him a death glare making beast boy sweat.

"What are you talking about gar, we are not a couple." raven said trying to deny the facts.

"Omg rae, just stop the act already, we know, it's so obvious. " Jamie said.

"Seriously is it that obvious? Rae asked.

"Yes it is Rae." now dick is in the conversation. Fun

"It's not what you all guys think." I added.  I were going to continue but kori interrupted me.

"I think it is damien, and that's totally fine. We are happy for you two." she said with a warm smile.

"Really kori? Rae asked.

" Of course Rae, now let's eat some cake, shall we?"

"We most definitely shall" gar said and dived into the cake.

Everyone laughed and gathered around the table to celebrate.

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