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The team was once again at the carnival having a... Bonding day. Everyone was having a great time. Gar and Jaime were riding a roller-coaster. Gar pucked... multiple times. Jamie were helping him and the scarab looked in disgust. Kori and Dick was riding the love train of course and cyborg were ordering cotton candy.

Dick's p.o.v

I glanced over my shoulder. Seeing Damien sitting alone, drinking a soda. And then I see Raven sitting a few tables away looking out in the dark and get the best idea ever. I turn to kori.

"Babe maybe we should take Damien and Raven to join us for a ride." I said.

" I think that's a great idea." Kori smiled and agreed.

Damien's p.o.v

Dick waved at me motioning for me to come over and in the corner of my eye I saw kori do the same at Raven. I cursed under my breath and thought of all the possibilities about what they want. I knew they were up to something.

Raven's p.o.v

I turned my head slightly and saw how Kori was waving at me eagerly to come over and I glanced over my shoulder to see that Damien were also walking in the same direction.
Soon both me and Damien stood there, in the line to the "love train". I the ground to swallow me at that time.

Damien's p.o.v

I looked over at Raven,
then to dick with a " I'm gonna kill you" face. And he responded with a "b**** behave" look. I gritted my teeth and tried to hold myself back from beating him to a pulp.

We reached the first place in line and got on board.

The ride was extremely long and Dick and kori was making out the whole time but me and Raven were holding hands for some weird reason. But it was kind of nice actually.

Raven's p.o.v

The ride was very long but me and Damien shared the experience together which made it a little less boring and annoying. He was actually really nice company and he had a small smile everytime I glanced at him.

We finally reached the end station.

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