And It's Killing Me Inside (Ninety Five)

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Tyler felt bad as he pushed Ryan's unlocked door and it swung open. He felt bad when Patrick shrugged and gestured for him to go inside. He felt bad as he and his friends searched Ryan's house in his absence.

They search for awhile of any clue of where Ryan could be, his clothes were left in his closet, his toiletries in the bathroom. Nothing was out of place. It didn't look as if he was going anywhere for long, but it had already been a week and they were all worried.

Josh called out from the other room, "I found something!" Tyler perked up and rushed over with pete, patrick and Josh to where Josh was crouched in Ryan's bedroom beside a bin.

Josh leapt up and passed Tyler a piece of paper which he read aloud.

Pete furrowed his eyebrows, "It's an address."

Josh nodded, "He must be at it."

Tyler agreed, "He probably attempted to throw the paper away so nobody would know where he went."

They all locked eyes as they knew what they were going to do. Find their friend.

The whole walk Tyler felt guilty. What if Ryan was okay and he would be mad when he saw them, what if he wasn't okay and they were too late? Thoughts thrashed around in his head like wildfire but his face was blank. Patrick seemed to notice but said nothing. Josh did too, locking his hand in with Tyler's.

They arrive at the address, a massive looming house.

"Woah, it looks straight out of a horror movie." Pete gasps.

Josh punches him after seeing Tyler's horrified face. He whispered harshly, "Shut up!"

Tyler pulled his phone out of his pocket and rings Ryan's number. He cursed when he remembered he had been blocked. Josh quickly gave Tyler his phone, earning a grateful smile.

Tyler typed Ryan's number in and called it, they all held their breath as they listened to the phone call. Their eyes widened when they heard it, Ryan's phone tone from within the house.


Haha this is so bad but I'm actually non-ironically playing minecraft and waiting for my turtles to hatch.

Reposted because I accidently put Brendon in it, I forgot which book this was 😂

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