Chapter 19 - Cupcakes!

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Avalana Hamilton

I just had lunch by myself in a sushi restaurant cause I've been craving from it. I am all alone cause that's what I do almost every day, nobody can hang out with me and I'm bored at home.

I suddenly walk passing a cupcake store with 25% discounts but at least I have to buy 3 packs of them. An Idea came into my mind, why don't I buy it for Apollo's employees since they've been working so hard and who doesn't like cupcake.

I call Apollo right away but guess what, he never picks up my call. The line is always on busy mode and I hate that. So whatever I think I should buy it,

I bought 10 box of cupcakes then paid it, I call my driver to pick me up at the lobby while I'm holding the bags that has boxes of cupcakes.

I arrived at his office and enter the lobby, I got into the elevator with my hands holding the paper bags and went straight into his office floor. I walk out of the elevator, then accidentally meet none other than Ezra.

"Lana!" He said.

"Hey!" I said.

"What is that,"

"Oh this, cupcakes for everybody," I said then a smile appeared on his face.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yeah, can you help me to give these cupcakes to everyone here?" I asked him.

"Oh and the janitors too," I said.

"Of course," he said.

I followed him to the employees desks, I can see most of them are sitting on their tables while their eyes are locked with their computer screens.

"Hey everyone," Ezra said and caught all of their attention.

"Our arrogant boss's wife, bought something for us! Who wants cupcake?" He said and I can see them getting up from their seat with a smile on their faces.

I left all of the boxes of cupcakes and brought one box into Apollo's office, I was about to give Agatha but she isn't on her desk so I got into Apollo's room right away.

I open up the door and look inside, I see Apollo is sitting in front of his desk. His eyes look up at me, once the door went open by me. From the way he looks at me, his glance seems just told me to get in.  He is not alone in the room cause there's a lady doing a presentation in front of him.

So I kinda interrupted him in the middle of a meeting,

I  listen to their conversation while the lady explaining whatever on her laptop, and I'm here sitting on the couch alone. I thought the lady was Agatha but it's not, it's just a new girl.

I wait for them, while my ears keep listening to whatever she's talking about. Apollo is being Apollo, he stays in a silent all the time. I was getting bored until Ezra came into the room without even knocking,

"Hey Lana can I get one more," he said before he stopped and realize that he interrupted a meeting.

"Please?" He continues.

"Sharla what are you doing here?" Ezra asked as the girl finally got up from her seat.

"Yes of course go get some," I said before he walks inside to get the cupcake.

I got up from my seat to give a cupcake to Ezra,

"I was giving a presentation that you gave me yesterday," she said.

She has a strawberry blonde hair with a dark chocolate eyes, I can tell that she's around 5 feet but those high heels make her look taller.

"Wow, you work faster than I thought and why didn't you ask me to apply those works to him," Ezra talks while still having a cupcake in his mouth.

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