You're still here

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"Oh no it's Jessica, my mentor, they wouldn't of sent us up here if it wasn't bad" Cynthia said as she saw a woman walking towards us with a bob black haircut.

"Mr.Styles?" The woman said reaching out her hand.

"Hi yes" I said shaking her hand.

"Jessica Lee" 

"Nice to meet you" I muttered.

"So you've been inquiring about a certain Cynthia Lloyd?"

"Ah, yes, yes that's right. Could you, could you please tell me what happened to her?" I asked, kind of worried to hear the answer now. What if we figured it all out, and Cynthia just left. Wait, wasn't that what I wanted?

"Well first I need to know your relationship with her?" She said firmly. This doctor played no games.

"Tell her your my boyfriend" Cynthia said, looking worried enough as it is.

I looked at her with a bit of wide hopeful eyes and then back at Dr.Lee. 

"She can't tell you anything unless she knows we were intimetly connected" Cynthia muttered.

"We were...romantic with each other" I muttered.

Dr.Lee looked a bit confused, "What do you mean?" She asked.

"You know boyfriend, girlfriend, that sort of thing" I said running a hand through my curls.

She started laughing "I know what romantic means, but I-I have a hard time believing that" She said doubtful

"What?" Cynthia blurted out.

"What?" I asked

"Why?" Cynthia blurted out again.

"Why?" I repeated.

"Cynthia's whole life was this hospital" She explained "I don't know, of uh, any single date that she'd ever been on"

"Well, well we were fairly recent, I live in her apartment-"

"Harry" Cynthia said snapping her head to look up at me.

"Apartment building, i live in her apartment building."

" don't know about the accident?" She asked with a low voice.

"What accident?" I asked looking to Cynthia.

She had on a certain look on her face, as if she was searching for something, or remembering something. I think she's remembering the accident!

"Oh god Harry...I remember it" She muttered, still having the same look on her face as before.

"It was awful..." She said sadly looking at the ground.

"I've uh, i've been away" I answered Dr.Lee.

"It was three months ago" She replied giving me a sad look

"Three months ago.." I repeated, still not being able to swallow everything.

I felt tears stinging in my eyes but i didn't let them drop, after all, why, why should i be crying over this girl? I dont honestly know but i know that i felt something for her.

I turned and saw Cynthia walking away towards a room, i had to follow her, so I made an excuse to get away from the doctor and hurried into the room after her. 

"Oh my god" I said looking at her sit down next to herself in the coma bed. She really wasn't dead, she was in a coma. "It's you" I said in a total trance. She was even more beautiful on the bed, her real self and she was in a coma bed, that's got to mean something coming from me.

"It's you, it's really you. You're not dead, you're alive" I said in awe.

"I know Harry but I'm in a coma, this is not good."

"Well it's way better than dead. Look at you, you're body is healing, you don;t have any scars, you look beautiful..." I said looking up at her.

She sighed and looked up at me with a sad smile. 

"It doesn't matter how i look, three months, that's a persistant coma"

"Well, we're here now, let's do something!"

"Like what?" She asked as if she had already lost hope.

"Like...i don't know, you're the doctor" I muttered.

"Right...right" She said with determination that soon deflated with a loud sigh. "Forget it" She said with a crinkle of frusteration in between her eyebrows.


"I was just gonna say, we need to find a way to put myself back together again" She suggested.

"Okay good good that's great!" I said with complete determination. We were gonna get her back no matter what. I'm determined to kiss this girl, and actually feel her lips on mine.

"How do we do that?" I asked 

"Maybe i should, try this" She said going on top of the bed and into her coma body.

"Something's happening, ya ya ya!" I said looking at the monitor screen with hope.

"I think it's working!" I yelled.

"Yeah?" She said propping her head out of her body. Crap it wasn't working.

"Ugh" She sighed. "I'm not sticking" She said getting out of her body and next to it instead.

I walked towards her and looked at her tiny self staring down at the ground with sadness.

"We'll figure it out okay? Everything's gonna be alright and then when it is, I'm gonna finally get that kiss i've been wanting" I said, OH SHIT I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT LAST PART.

I looked down at the ground in panis when i noticed her head flip up to look at me.

"What?" She asked lightly.

"Nothing, I said nothing"

"Oh really?" She smiled. "You really do like me"

"Psh, you're just conceded" I gave her a smug look.

"No you really do like me, i can see it in your face." She smiled. "It's okay, because I really like you too and if i wasn't like this, I would kiss you for hours."

I propped my head up quickly in shock

"Yep" She smiled and I smiled back.

"Okay so I uh, want to try something, turn around" I said a bit cautiously.

"What, why?" 

"Just do it" I said.

She gave a look of confusion but soon turned around to face the room's wall.

I took her coma body's hand and smoothed my thumb around it.

I looked towards her facing the wall and she immediately looked at her hand.

"You felt that?" I asked.

"Yeah" She said turning around to smile at me.

"You are still connected to your body" I smiled and my eyes laid on her lips. Her perfectly sculpted lips.

I couldn't resist, I leaned in and brushed my lips against hers. I kissed her lightly and even though she wasn't concious, I surely felt something.

I stood back up straight and turned back to find her face filled with tears 

"What's wrong?" i said with concern, did she not want me to do that?

"I just...I wish I could kiss you back" She said before breaking down on the couch to cry.

Fate's Date - A Harry Styles Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now