The return

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(y/n) POV

"April are you mad at me?" I asked, "No, I'm just worried about Glynda that's all sweetie." April said, "Well I think it's great that your here!" A man said from behind us, "And you would be?" April asked, "The name's Sun, Sun Wukong." He said, "So you the one who keeps flirting with my sister." I said, "Where did you hear that?" He asked, "I didn't it was a guess that you confirmed." I said, "You're a sneaky little guy aren't ya." He said, "He can be at times." April said, "WHO'S THERE!" Blake asked angrily, I walked off with April.

"The entire reason we're on this boat is so you can be with your sister, and you just walked away from her." April said, "She was mad and I...I got scared." I said, "Honey I've seen you fight and kill a grimm that is supposed to be one of the most dangerous out there and be perfectly fine, so why does your sister scare you so much?" She asked, "It's the same reason I'm scared of you, Mama, and Mommy. I don't want to let any of you down or disappoint you." I said, suddenly the boat began to shake like something hit it, "Grimm." April said, "Look kiddo you don't wanna disappoint Blake right? Well then go give her something to protect." She said as she handed me her twin swords, "I will." I said as I attached the swords to my belt and ran out to the deck of the ship.

"That's a big grimm." I said as I looked at the massive grimm, I took a deep breath and sprinted towards Blake and ran along the wall and jumped off it. "(Y/N)?!" Blake shouted in shock as I passed by her.

Blake POV

"(Y/N)?!" I shouted  in shock as (y/n) passed by me, I drew Gambol Shroud and threw it at him wrapping it around his leg and pulled him back onto the boat, "I'LL DEAL WITH YOU LATER!" I said as freed him. Suddenly someone used me as a springboard, "SUN?!" I said in shock.

(y/n) POV

I combined my swords and launched myself at the grimm stabbing it in the nose. "N...Nice grimm." I said as it snarled at me and charged up and energy attack. "This is gonna hurt." I said as it fired its attack. "Just kidding!" I said, "My turn." I said as I charged an energy attack of my own and fired it at the grimm launching me back to the boat. 

"Your the one with the swords." Sun said as he caught me, "That was fun." I said, "THIS ISN'T A GAME (Y/N)! THAT IS A DANGEROUS GRIMM! YOU COULD GET SERIOUSLY HURT OR WORSE YOU COULD GET KILLED OR GET COUNTLESS OTHERS HURT!" Blake scalded, "I...I just...I just wanted to help." I said as I began to tear up, "Blake he's done more damage to that thing playing than we've done actually attacking it. Maybe instead of yelling at him you let him help." Sun said, she sighed, "(y/n) you take the right wing I'll take the left." She said, I nodded and launched myself at the grimm again this time aiming at its left wing.

As I flew at it's wing I split my spear into its twin swords and extended the blades into the wing and sprinted down it and once I was far enough down I jumped off and reformed my spear. I threw my spear into a nearby rock and drew my knives forming them into a shuriken and threw it at the spear and tied the wire around my feet. 

"Now it's your turn to say it." Sun said as he held Blake, suddenly she slapped him, "BLAKE! A little help please." I said as I dangled by my feet.

"Ok what are you two doing here?" Blake asked, "We're here because I got scared and wanted my big sister." I said, "Well I saw you leave and decided to help you on your one woman fight against the White Fang!" Sun said, "Ok back up (y/n) you said we, so if you didn't come with Sun who did you come with?" She asked, "April." I said, "Of coarse." She said, "Blake where are we going?" I asked, "Menagerie." She said, "Are we going to go see Mama?" I asked excitedly, "Yep." She said as she picked me up, "Come on let's go find April." She said.

"(y/n) are you sure this is a good idea?" April asked as she helped me up onto a roof, "Trust me it'll be worth it." I said.

I waited on the roof so I could surprise Mama, I knew she was worried about me so this was my way of scaring her just a bit before I show her I'm alright. I was up there for about five minutes when I saw Ghira walking towards the house. I quickly jumped off the roof and ran over to April. 

"What's wrong?" April asked, "He's coming." I said, "Yes?" Mama said as she opened the door, "Mama!" I said as I hugged her, "Sweetheart!" She said as she picked me up and hugged me and Blake. "Mama don't let him hurt me." I said as I pointed a Ghira. "Don't worry honey I wont let him do anything to you." She said, "Oh you're back." Ghira said, "What is your problem with my son?! He has done absolutely nothing to you!" Mama said angrily, "You really wanna know why I hate him, well then I'll tell you!" He said.

Flashback five years ago 3rd person POV

Kali had come home one day in tears. When Ghira asked her what was wrong she told him about the affair she had been having and how she was pregnant. Ghira was angry, but at the same time he understood why she did it. He wasn't much better since he cheated on her with Sienna Khan first.

Nine months later Kali came home with her newborn child, but Ghira just called him "the bastard", or "bastard" for about a week before Kali made him stop. In truth Ghira hated the boy because he constantly reminded him that his wife cheated on him, but he would try to accept him.

A month had passed since the baby was born and Ghira couldn't stand to even look at him. He came up with a plan to kill the child and make it seem like he had been kidnapped.

"Kali I'm taking the baby for a walk!" Ghira said, "Ok just don't be out for too long it's almost time for his nap." Kali said as she walked over to the two of them, she gave Ghira a quick kiss and then she gently kissed the baby's forehead. "Have fun with daddy sweetheart, and Ghira please don't let anything happen to my baby." She said, "don't worry honey I wont let anything happen to him" Ghira lied, as he left the mansion with the baby.

Ghira took the child to an old and deserted part of the city to be certain there would be no witnesses. Ghira pulled out the knife he had hidden and prepared to murder the child. "Goodbye bastard." He said as he plunged his knife towards the infant. Suddenly his knife was stopped short of killing the baby by a spike of glass, "now I know you weren't about to kill that baby." A woman said from the shadows, "and if I was?" Ghira asked, "well then I would kill you." the woman said as her eyes glowed an amber color. "And what would you have me do with him?" Ghira asked, "I wont stand by and let you kill a child, so if your intent is to kill give me the child." She said as she emerged from the shadows. "Fine you can have him. I never want to see him again!" Ghira said as he handed the baby over to the woman. "Good now leave or else." She said sternly, Ghira ran home to Kali leaving the baby with his new mother. "Well this trip has been full of surprises hasn't it my little ashes. Hmm ashes, OH I know, from now on your name will be Ash." She said, "Cinder we have to go!" Emerald said, "ready the bullhead for an extra passenger. I want ALL sharp objects stowed and ALL sharp corners covered!" Cinder said, Emerald nodded and got to work.

Cinder Fall, a woman who until thirteen years ago cared for nothing and no one but herself. She changed when she adopted her son Chris, and now she had saved another child, this time she would raise this one to be a good person. She swore that she wouldn't let Salem corrupt this one.

Ghira returned and told Kali that the child had been kidnapped. He told her that he looked away from him to talk to some colleagues and when he looked back the baby was gone. Kali cried for three days, she refused to leave the baby's room for a week, and she rarely ate. Eventually she would search all of Menagerie for her baby, but would never find him.

End flashback (y/n) POV

"THAT'S WHY YOU HATE ME! THAT'S WHY I HAD TO GET ABANDONED NOT ONCE BUT TWICE!" I yelled angrily, "Wait wait WAIT, you both cheated on each other, and Dad you abandoned my baby brother?!" Blake said, "Blake you don't..." Ghira began to say, "I DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOUR EXCUSES DAD! IF THIS IS HOW YOU TREAT MY BROTHER THEN I DON'T WANT YOU ANYWHERE NEAR MY BABY!" She yelled, "Blake what do you mean your baby?" Mama asked, "I'm pregnant Mom." Blake said with tear filled eyes, "I...Is this the father?" Mama asked as she pointed at Sun, "No that's my friend Sun." Blake said, "Ok just making sure." Mama said as she threw me at him. "Sun please don't drop me!" I said as I dug my claws into him, "Ok I wont, but please just retract the claws!" Sun said in pain as he put me down. 

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