Fire and lightning

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Cinder POV

I walked down the docks to the warehouse that my son was being held in, luckily enough for me the warehouse my organization was staying in was nearby. I decided to wait and feel out the situation before I acted.

(y/n) POV

When I woke up I wasn't in the nice warm and soft bed that I fell asleep in, I was on the cold hard ground handcuffed to a pole! I was scared, I wanted Mommy, Blake, Yang, someone! But I knew that no one was going to show up. "Well look who decided to wake up." Cardin said as he pulled me up by my hair, "OWW!" I shouted, "Go ahead and scream and cry all you want, but no one is going to save you." He said, "Oh yeah well I don't need anyone to do this!" I said as I kicked him in the crotch, "YOU BRAT!" He yelled as he punched me knocking me back into the wall. As I hit the wall I hit my head on the pole and passed out.

Cinder POV

"YOU BRAT!" A man yelled, suddenly there was a loud bang from inside, 'He hurt my baby... I will make him pay!' I thought as I regained my composure. I opened the doors and walked inside. "Hello boys." I said softly, "Who are you?!" One of the four men yelled, "Hold on now Dove this could be fun." Another man said as he grabbed me, "You certainly know what you want, however I'm only interested in one person here and your not them." I said as I burned his hand, "YOU WITCH!" He yelled in pain, "Oh your punishment has only begun." I said as I set the four men on fire. "Remember this the next time you think about harming my son." I said as I walked over to my child. I picked him up and carried him back to my warehouse.

(y/n) POV

"W...Where am I?" I asked groggily as I woke up, I found myself in some sort of makeshift bed that looked barely big enough for one person. "Good morning sweetheart." A woman said sweetly, "W...Who are you?! W...where am I?!" I asked in fear, "It's alright sweetie, mommy's got you." She said as she hugged me, "Stop it!" I said as I pushed her off me, "You're not my Mommy!" I said, "Honey I know its been four years since you last saw me, but please don't say that." She said, "Cinder he obviously doesn't remember you." A green haired girl said, "Quiet Emerald! This is your fault to begin with!" Cinder said angrily as flames shot out from the sides of her eyes. After seeing a woman's eyes literally burst into flames I backed up off the bed and fell on the floor. "Sweetie are you ok?!" Cinder asked, "S...STAY AWAY FROM ME!" I shouted in fear as a ball of energy formed in my hand, "Honey let's all just calm down and talk things out alright. I promise I wont let anyone here hurt a single hair on you head." She said, I nodded and dispersed the energy.

Glynda POV

"Mr. Winchester, it's come to my understanding that you as well as your team were spotted with an unconscious child who appeared to be around four years old, male, and a cat faunus. Care to elaborate?" I asked, "I don't have to say anything to you." Cardin said, "True, but something tells me in about a minute you will be begging to tell me everything I want to know. So I'll ask once more before I send everyone away and shut those cameras off and beat the information out of you!" I said as I slammed my riding crop down in front of him, "Where is my son?" I asked angrily, "Why do you even care about that little freak? He's nothing but a pest like the rest of them and deserves whatever happens to him." He said, "I see, well if that's how you want it, then I'll be more than happy to oblige." I said as all the cameras shut off and there were three knocks on the one way glass signaling that everyone was taking a "very long break" and that nothing would be recorded and there would be no witnesses.

About an hour I came out of the interrogation room with the information I wanted.

(y/n) POV

"Would you like anything to eat sweetie?" Cinder asked, I shook my head, "Sweetie I know you don't remember me, but can we please try to make this work?" She asked sweetly, I nodded, "Alright then would you like to play a game? I took the next few days off so I could spend as much time as I could with you." She said, "Ok." I said, "Alright what would you like to play? OH I know how about hide and seek?" She asked, "My Mommy says I cant play hide and seek after what happened last time." I said, "What happened?" She asked, "She called the police, because she thought I ran away." I said, "Well I'm not like her, I'm the cool mom. We can play whatever you want." She said, "Ok." I said excitedly.

"Alright you go hide somewhere in the warehouse and I'll count." Cinder said, I nodded, "Ok go hide." She said as she began to count. I used my semblance to turn invisible. "Forty eight, forty nine, FIFTY! Ready or not here I come~" Cinder sang.

Cinder POV

I was only playing with (y/n) so he wouldn't be scared of me anymore, he was my baby after all. "Ready or not here I come~" I sang, I looked around my room. Since it was so small and there wasn't much in there, there were very few places for (y/n) to hide. "I found you!" I said as I looked under the bed, but he wasn't there, "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all." I said as I walked out to the warehouse.

After looking for (y/n) for an hour I decided to give up. I was slightly worried that he had gotten lost, but I knew that he was still in the warehouse since I ordered the guards not to let him out without my permission or unless he was accompanied by me, Mercury, Emerald, Neo, or Roman.

(y/n) POV

"(y/n) sweetheart I give up, you win." Cinder said as she walked around the warehouse unaware that I had been following her the entire time. "I win!" I said happily as I reappeared in front of her, "How did you do that sweetie?!" She asked in shock, "I don't know, it kinda just happens." I said softly, "Did this happen last time you played hide and seek with your other mommy?" She asked as she picked me up, I nodded, "I can see why she got so worried. Well it's almost time for lunch how about we go get something to eat?" She said, "Ok." I said.

Glynda POV

"Miss Goodwitch I am so sorry, it's my fault that Cardin kidnapped (y/n)!" Blake said sadly, "No it's my fault. If I wouldn't have let him handle Cardin on his own he wouldn't have had any reason to kidnap him!" Chris said, "Mr. Fall, Miss Belladonna please it's not either of your faults. While I'm not entirely happy that my son was in a fight, I know you would have stepped in if needed." I said, "But I..." Blake began to say, but I raised my hand and stopped her from speaking, "Miss Belladonna for the past week you looked after (y/n) as if he were your own child. He loves you, I can tell. So I don't blame you for what happened." I said. "I promise I will do everything I can to find him and bring him back." She said.

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