Chapter 18

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Notes: I have no words to say for myself. When I said the update was going to take long, I certainly didn't mean this long – and I feel even worse considering how absolutely wonderful your support has been after the last chapter. But, I'm back now. I could never thank you enough for your patience and your incredibly kind words. <3

Warnings: Mentions of child abuse.

Writing this chapter proved to be quite a challenge, I really hope you'll enjoy it! And please review :)


Chapter Eighteen

Maggie waited with anticipation for the end of the period, glancing from time to time at the clock. While Miss Chevalier's soporific voice had almost lulled her into the daze of sleep during the previous hour, she presently found herself once again alert, the exhaustion fading as her heart rate picked up speed. By the time the last bell rang, Maggie felt like she was almost vibrating in her seat.

Not wanting to draw attention to herself, she tried to behave in her habitual way as she parted from the classroom, but she couldn't hide the unusual spring in her steps that manifested her internal trepidation. She didn't even stop at the locker – there would be time, but later. She weaved through the crowd, slipping unnoticed through the swarm of people until finally, she reached an empty corridor and broke into a run. As her eyes fixed on the destination, her heart fluttered, making her hands shake.

As soon as Maggie pushed the door open, a pair of strong arms snaked around her waist.

"There you are. I missed you," a voice whispered into her ear.

Maggie turned to look at Alfred's bright blue eyes, her heart beating wildly and her legs feeling weak. When their lips met, Maggie thought she would faint. One thing was sure: Alfred's kissing technique had improved, after their first official date. And if Maggie had thought she would have ever grown accustomed to the feeling, she had been severely wrong.

Even if the kiss didn't last long, it left Maggie with her head spinning. She let her forehead rest against Alfred's shoulder and melted into him. Her lips curled into a small smile as his arms tightened their strong hold around her. Alfred was safe, and Maggie belonged to him – or better, they belonged together. Maggie would have never imagined she could have something like that.

Of course, the hug increased the pain of the fresh bruises throbbing on her sides and back – but she supposed that it was what she deserved, a reminder that her relationship with Alfred was against Steve's rules. Maybe, if she worked hard enough, Maggie would one day grow into a better person and even the annoyance of the constant pains would fade. She hoped so.

Unfortunately, on that day, they didn't have more than a few minutes to spare.

"I wish we could stay like this for longer," Alfred muttered into her hair. "But I guess I brought this upon myself, didn't I?"

Maggie raised her head and offered him a smile.

"Well, not doing your homework and getting into class late isn't going to get you into the grace of your teachers, that's for sure."

As soon as the words seeped out of her lips, Maggie's stomach twisted with the realization that she might have gone a bit too far – but the twinkle in Alfred's eyes hadn't faded.

He shook his head, the pout twisting his lips more amused than offended.

"Touché. Man, I so hate school... But I guess— no, I know you're right. I need to hear this, from time to time."

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