Chapter 19

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Notes: I have no words to thank you for the amazing support I received after last chapter, people. After such a long absence, I was afraid nobody would be interested anymore, instead... I was blown away by all the encouragement I received. You're amazing!

Warnings: This chapter includes a bit of violence. Some blood is spilt (but I don't think it's bad). There are also mentions of child abuse.

That said, I hope you'll enjoy it! And if you can, reviews are always appreciated :)


Chapter Nineteen

The water was flushed in the next cubicle. A moment later, the door swung behind the occupant.

Maggie rested her chair against the plastic wall, letting out her breath in a soft sigh.

'Just a minute,' she told herself, 'Just until I'm really sure she's gone.'

In truth, Maggie didn't mind the few more instants of respite the presence of the unknown girl had granted her. She certainly wasn't looking forward to getting up – to straightening up, in particular. The dark bruises littering her stomach testified to that.

Saying Steve hadn't been happy at the discovery that Maggie had sneaked out without permission would have been a serious understatement. When she had opened the door, he had still been pacing in the corridor. Maggie had seen his back stiffen, his features moulding in incredulity as he realized what was going on... then, rage had clouded his eyes. When his fingers had grabbed her shoulder and thrown her to the ground, Maggie had been certain she was in for a repeat of the previous months.

For once, luck had been on her side. Soon, the ringing of the phone had claimed Steve's attention, leaving Maggie enough time to – achingly – drag herself to her feet and wobble to her bedroom. The conversation had carried on for so long that, by the time it was over, Steve had collapsed on the sofa in a drunken stupor.

On a less positive note, Steve had been wearing sturdy boots, and the kicks he had had the time to administer to her abdomen had left their sign. It wasn't as bad as other times – in spite of the constant throbbing, Maggie could manage to stand straight and move around. She might have been fine, hadn't she been forced to accept the lunch offered by Feliciano in order not to make him worry. As she had been expecting, food hadn't agreed with her stomach, resulting in a close – and unpleasant – encounter with the toilet.

Maggie pressed her knees closer to her aching abdomen and rocked on herself, trying to ride in silence another wave of cramps that twisted her insides as the other occupant of the bathroom washed her hands. Fortunately, Maggie had already gotten rid of all the food, and this time, the nausea didn't force her over the toilet.

By the time the other girl – whoever she was – turned off the water, Maggie was positive she would be able to stand.

When she was sure the other person had left the bathroom, Maggie finally uncurled and climbed to her feet. A lance of pain tore through her gut as she straightened up, eliciting a soft moan from her lips, but it soon faded to a dull throbbing.

She had had much worse, and she surely would have again. She could handle that slight discomfort.

She allowed herself the luxury of bending down and clutching her stomach as she stepped out of the stall, after all, she would have to stay down to rinse her face, too. Even if another girl walked into the bathroom, she would find nothing weird in Maggie's position.

After she had washed herself, Maggie straightened up fully, checking the mirror. Her tightly pressed lips had managed to hide the grimace at the stab of pain, but her skin looked wan, with a sickly hue that wasn't helped by the dark shadows under her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2022 ⏰

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