Fierrochase Watches Anime

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Spoiler warning for Yuri! on Ice
(Magnus's pov)

I'm lying on my bed watching old Dan and Phil videos. It is Saturday, which meant that there are no battles today. Odin had went to organizational management seminar, and found out that giving your employees break time improved their performance. As a result, there aren't any mandatory battles on Saturdays. Of course, the battlefield is still open and plenty of people are fighting. As the video ends, I lay back, wondering if I should watch the next episode or get something to eat from the fridge.

There are two quick raps on my door and it opens, letting Alex in. She is wearing a pink and green diamond patterned sweat pants, a gray hoodie that may have been mine at one point, and rainbow socks. "You're female today, right?" I ask. "Yep" she confirms, "And I see you haven't gotten out of bed today". I look down and blush. I was wearing a ragged old pair of Nasa pj bottoms, and a faded Hogwarts t-shirt. "Everyone else is out battling, and I didn't want to wake you. So I didn't see any reason to get up" I say in my defense. "Well, I'm awake now" she says "and I'm bored. Do you want to come to my room and watch something?". I nod, "I be over in five". I change into fresh pjs, a pair of Doctor Who bottoms and a Star Wars tee (Its Saturday morning, do you think I would actually get dressed?).

As I walk into Alex's room, I note the fairy lights strung in the tree branches and the steaming tray of falafel and pita on the coffee table. I sprint over (the only time I would ever sprint in my life) and take a bite, savoring the wonderous flavor. I must have been standing for at least a minute before I guiltily notice that Alex is sitting on the couch behind me. I take a seat, still holding the tray of falafel. "What do you want to watch, My Hero Academia or Yuri! on Ice?" she asks. "I've never seen anime before" I admit. She looks scandalized, "Well I'm going to have to fix that".

She pulls up a show called "Yuri! on Ice". The cover shows two men ice skating. I must admit, the tall one with blond hair does look hot (I later learned that his name is Victor). Alex presses the play button and scoots over next to me, grabbing a piece of falafel. At first I wonder how interesting a anime about ice skating could be, but as the show went on, I found myself getting more and more engrossed in it. Yurio reminds me of Alex a small bit, since their both shortish and angry. Also, it seems kinda gay, which makes it even better.

When the kiss happens I squeal and hug Alex, who has my head in her lap and is playing with my hair. "Did they really just kiss!?" I exclaim. "I know, right!" "Maybe we could do something like that?" I ask tentatively. She smiles and kisses me. Even though we must have kissed hundreds of times, I can never get over the fact that I am kissing Alex Fierro.

After Yuri! on Ice, we watch Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, Princess Mononoke, and Spirited Away. Watching movies with her swaddled up in blankets reminds me of movie nights with my mother. I start to tear up at the though of my mom, but I wipe the tears away and hold Alex a bit tighter. I'm happy to be here with her where no wolves can get to me. Somewhere around halfway through Spirited Away my eyes start to droop and I find myself struggling to stay awake. "Goodnight Alex" I murmur. "Goodnight Maggie" he says with a smile. And then I drop off to sleep.

653 Words

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