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jjungkook is connected with lalalalisa_m

jjungkook: lisa-yah? what do you think of our date?

lalalalisa_m: what? date?

jjungkook: ofcourse friendly date

lalalalisa_m: well i had fun , how about you?

jjungkook: me? same here but im exhausted

lalalalisa_m: why dont u take a rest then?

jjungkook: yiiie..is limaro concerned?

lalalalisa_m: yah! you said that u are exhausted why dont take a rest then?

jjungkook: later im still chatting with you

lalalalisa_m: stop flirting

jjungkook: im not flirting!

lalalalisa_m: why dont we talk abt tom?

jjungkook: go on.

lalalalisa_m: what?

jjungkook: start the conversation

lalalalisa_m: wow?

lalalalisa_m: so like? what do u think of FIRST LOOK? first impression tbh

jjungkook: well i think it's kinda innocent theme this time.

lalalalisa_m: you think so? same here but you dont look like an innocent :-)

jjungkook: ofcourse im not innocent ;-)

lalalalisa_m: yah jungkook!

jjungkook: what? you are the one who said that im not innocent

lalalalisa_m: i swear i will kill you tomorrow!
jjungkook: okay? if you can kill me

lalalalisa_m: just kidding. you really making the conversation short hah?

jjungkook: na-ah.

lalalalisa_m: your replies is short.

jjungkook: idunno what to say

lalalalisa_m: so im gonna be a problematic here hah mr jeon?

jjungkook: okay okay? for tomorrow i think we should hang out after

lalalalisa_m: the fans caught us earlier it's almost become a dating rumour

jjungkook: then let's hangout inside the yg or bighit building then

lalalalisa_m: we'll se¿

jjungkook: yah i think we need to sleep rn

lalalalisa_m: okay then byeeee!

jjungkook: goodnight limaro.

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