15 4 1

Its been a month since I have been living with the Avengers. Surprisingly I haven't killed anybody yet, and I even have become civil with Steve. I remember the first time we all had breakfast together I got so pissed at his attitude  I dumped all of my cereal on his head. What a sight it was seeing the super solider covered in soggy cereal with milk dripping down his head. During the month I have pulled many pranks like; Changing Clint's shampoo with pink dye, Scaring the shit out of Tony by turning invisible and then shifting too Ultron but my favourite person too prank is defiantly Steve.  America is very different to what I'm used to my life has become a lot more lavish especially with the new room I have. I can't believe Tony gave me a whole floor thats just incredible. I still don't understand why they are so nice. I mean they even act like they are heroes what absolute bullshit.

(the room)

I've become close to Tony,Natasha,Wanda and surprisingly Peter

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I've become close to Tony,Natasha,Wanda and surprisingly Peter. Im not sure are whether its his dorkiness or the fact he was the first person to be nice with me that draws me close to him but it is something.

"Are you even listening to what im saying" Wanda asks

"Sorry I was just thinking"

"Its fine. You know you remind of a girl I once knew at Hydra. She was amazing all badass, You too would've got along"

"What happened to her"

"I dont know. She was like the sister I've never had"

My heart broke when I heard Wanda talking about me it is just so hard to keep the secret from her. I dont know whether it was the pain in her eyes but I shifted back into how I actually look. I hesitantly looked at Wanda to see her speechless. After Wanda got over what happened she made me fill her in about everything thats happened.Since Wanda was fine with it all I made sure that in everybody's mind I look like how I always look which is all good. A lot of you are probably wondering why I don't think or say that she betrayed me but thats because I guess she never really wanted to be in Hydra she only did it in order to get revenge of Stark. I remember how angry the twins were they absolutely despised him which reminds me..

"Wanda I have a question"I ask

"What is it?"

"Wheres Pietro I first thought that he was on a mission first but now im not sure"

For some reason Wanda burst out crying I was so confused.

"Pietros gone" Wanda said her voice cracking.

"Im so sorry I didn't ..I wouldn't" I stuttered

I couldn't think at all.Pietro was so close to me. He reminded me of my older brother and the fact he was gone hurt a lot. I can't imagine how Wanda is feeling she must be in so much pain,I can see it in her eyes. All I could say was "я всегда буду здесь для тебя, сестра" while embracing her as we cried.

That night I couldn't sleep Wanda's words were haunting me. The fact that etro was gone pained me a lot more than I would like to admit. Pathetic! I shouldn't be so week but here I am.I knew I'm not going to get any rest so I decided to go the gym and ended up punching bags. What can I say it relives my stress.I could feel the sweat dripping of me I probably looked like a stinky pig.As the 7th one fell I felt bad for Tony but I saw Bucky awake doing the exact same thing so? "Couldn't sleep?" I ask.

"No" he replied

"I feel u"

"What do you do?"

"What do you mean"

"About the nightmares, I know you get them"

"I ignore them, I hide them away with my feelings. You see if it shows emotions it can be used as weapon against you besides not like anyone cares"

"I guess, by the way that was deep"

I chuckled.

"Look buck think about this it might help. Dont forget what or who you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like an armor, and it can never be used to hurt you"

"Thanks Gaby"

"Hey I might hate capsicle  but that doesn't  mean I hate you"

"Dont worry I won't tell him besides I think he is scared of you." he paused and then said" You get me"

"Yeh he'll shit his pants Now thats something I wanna see"I say with a smirk.

 "You get me, we get each other I guess"I say with a shrug." and good night"I add before leaving.

"Good night kiddo" I faintly hear him say.

I guess it is kinda hard to use some of them especially the ones I'm close to. Have to keep reminding myself that they are the enemy. They killed so many innocent people including my family. Those bastards might act so nice but deep down they are monsters and if I can stop them and save innocent lives then I will. 

All of sudden I get a wave of flashes and thoughts(flashbacks)

My head is submerged into water again and again making it almost impossible to breathe. The Whip slashed into my back as I can feel the blood dripping. The electricity running through my body making it feel like my skin is being ripped of my bone and all I can do is scream. The words. A fist colliding with my jaw and his foot hitting straight into my ribs as you can hear the bones crack.

I shudder at the thought, the memories, the tortures are the one thing I don't miss. I sighed reminding myself if I mess up it would be worse way worse. they are the enemy enemy I repeat to myself and fall asleep with that one word in my head enemy.

я всегда буду здесь для тебя, сестра:i will always be here for you sister

A/N: What do you guys think? I really hope you like it. Please show your love by commenting and voting. It would mean a lot. Thanks 

peace Rylie✌🏼

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2019 ⏰

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