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Choose (Why Don't We)
Choose, I'm saying, what you wanna do?
Choose, I just dropped down in your city too
Choose, lemme put you on to something new

"Woah. This is our tour bus?"

"Yup! It's probably a lot bigger than you're used to because, well, we're five people instead of one."

Finally up and ready, Zach had taken me outside to show me the trailer and where I would be sleeping.

"Um, there are curtains over all the bunks, just so you- well, you know, you won't have any privacy issues or anything."

"Because I'm a girl?" I questioned him, amused.

"Well- yeahhh." He blushed.

I laughed "It's okay. And thank you."

"Anytime. Your bunk is down here-" he gestured to one of the bottom bunks, "Daniel's right across from you, with Corbyn above. I'm here, Jack's here, and Jo is over here." He pointed to each person's bunk as he spoke. "They're pretty cool. I mean, you can decorate them and stuff."

I looked into Jack's bunk and saw a small disco light, with a phone charging station and a small radio clock. I smiled. "Cool!"

"Yeah. Out here is the living room area-" a smallish space, with two couches facing each other and two flatscreen TVs, and a little kitchen with a small countertop, a microwave, and a fridge. "This is the bathroom-" small, but it looked really cool. There was a fancy glass shower, and the boys' toothbrushes and combs were scattered around the vanity. "Oh yeah, almost forgot. This is the den." He walked past the bunks and opened the door into a back room, with a couch, a table littered with recording supplies, and another, smaller TV. "So yeah, this is our little home. What do you think?"

I smiled at him. "I think it looks super cool! I can't wait."

"Awesome! Well, our clothes and stuff all go in here-" he lifted a panel on the back wall to show a closet space that was already stuffed with clothing, "Ugh. Sorry. You might have to push some things around."

"It's cool."

With a last wave, Zach left me alone in the trailer to unpack. I looked around one more time. There was so much here, and I was starting to get really excited.

I just hoped one of the people coming on this trip with me wouldn't make it too hard to enjoy it.

I began unpacking my stuff into my assigned drawers, organizing all of my clothes. After a few minutes, I heard footsteps behind me.

"Need some help?"

Corbyn walked up to me.

"Um, yeah, sure, I guess."

He bent down and pulled a couple of shirts out of my suitcase, refolding them neatly before sticking them into the drawers. We worked like this, in silence, for a little while. He stood close to me, his shoulder occasionally brushing mine. I could smell the shampoo from his hair, a smell that I always remembered when we were still together. And that I still do.

"So... are you excited?" I decided to break the silence.

He jumped, startled at my unexpected conversation. "Uh yeah, definitely. We've been working towards this for a long time. I think its gonna be really good."

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