Chapter 3

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Ryan: Hey, nice to see you this afternoon - been a long time  (12:14am)

Brendon: yeah! sorry i had to leave so early, though, it would've been nice to talk more. also, what you up so late for?( 8:27am)

I look down at my phone, eyes too blurry to allow me to see what's happening. I drunk too much last night, and ended up texting Brendon. For the first time in god knows how long. Thankfully it wasn't some drunk mess, and he didn't immediately block me. I squint at my phone, not being bothered to get my glasses, and lean back on the sofa. It's been two hours since he texted that, and I should probably respond.

Ryan: Since when was 12am late? Don't most bands play until about then? (10:12am)

I put my phone down, and make a coffee. By the time I'm done, I've got another text. I try to ignore how happy that makes me feel, instead focusing on seeing what he's said.

Brendon: ...

Brendon: i've been trying to think of an argument for that, but i can't. i guess you win this one, Ross.

He's still the same person I knew and fell in love with, but I'm annoyed by how he acts as if nothing ever happened. It's been at least two years, and yet here we are, having a normal conversation. If you compared 2009 to now, the only difference you'd have is better phones, and a better haircut.

Ryan: I guess married life changed you. You going to bed at 8pm now?

Brendon: RUDE

Brendon: and we're not married, just engaged

Ryan: Pretty much the same thing at this point.

Brendon: oh come off it, you'd like Sarah if you met her

I almost laugh at that. No, I wouldn't, Brendon. It's surprising he doesn't know that. He's not dense, so I guess he just doesn't know me as well anymore.

Brendon: so what you up to these days?

Although he's changing the subject, so maybe -

Fuck, I'm really overthinking this. This is just a simple conversation between two old friends (more than friends), who want to catch up after years of not seeing each other. Nothing more, Ross, just let it happen.

Ryan: Not much. I just kind of write music for people with no creativity whatsoever.

Ryan: You know the ones

Brendon: if i was anyone else, then no. but lucky for you i do understand :)

Brendon: don't you wanna release your own music instead of just writing for others? your lyrics are always so good it's a shame to waste it on those fuckheads.

Ryan: Yeah, of course. Especially when they take what I've written and then put shitty autotune on it and some base

Brendon: ugh, that's the worst.

I'm not sure how to respond to that, but don't want the conversation to end. I've missed talking to him, I really have. But there's no point trying to revive it, so I leave it.

I turn on the radio, just for some background noise, and make a sandwich. Nothing exciting, which says a lot about my life these days.

The day passes as most of my days do - made up of small things to try and distract me from myself. God, being in the band wasn't perfect, far from it, but it was an exciting life. We did concerts, met people who's lives we'd changed, and travelled around the country.

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