Jack G - Waking Up Without You

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Hi there. This imagine is inspired by the song "Waking Up Without You" by Rhys Lewis. I'd definitely recommend listening to it while reading this.. enjoy.           

Being on tour was always hard for Jack. The bunk beds were too small for his liking, his sleeping schedule got messed with, he often got overwhelmed. Though for him the worst thing about it was being far away from you. He rarely ever got homesick before meeting you but now that he had, he just realised that part of him was missing when you weren't there.             

"I'm so tired of waking up without you ,Y/N" he mumbled. You guys were on FaceTime and you could tell he had been crying. Even now he seemed to be holding back a few of the traitor tears, that would tell you just how bad he was doing without you on the road.             

"Remember the last Sunday before you went on tour? When we woke up at like 1pm and made cookies?", you asked. He gave you a crooked smile.            

"Yeah, why?"            

"I'm wearing the same shirt I wore then. In the beginning it smelled like you but now it doesn't anymore. But that's okay because I know that in two weeks you'll be home and it won't matter which shirt of yours I steal because all of them will smell like you."               

A tiny tear escaped his eye. "I just miss you so badly. I miss just turning around and seeing your beautiful face in the morning. It sucks that you aren't here and it sucks that I'm not there. It just fucking sucks without you, Y/N."               

"Two more weeks my love. You can do it. I know you can. And as soon as you get home I'll be right there waiting for you. God, I love you so much, G."               

Jack J stuck his head into Gilinsky's bunk, making him hurry up to go to the sound check. Which meant saying goodbye, at least for a little while.            

When Jack checked his Social Media after the sound check there was one notification that stuck out to him:
@Y/I/N just posted a photo.
When he clicked on it he saw a picture you guys had taken the Sunday before he had left. You were kissing him on the cheek while he was busy smiling like crazy into the camera. It was captioned with "Keep on missing you. Can't wait for you to come home."              

He smiled, knowing that in two weeks time he would be able to wake up next to you again.

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