Jack J - Soulmates, Part 1

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They say if two souls are destined to be together, there's nothing in this world that's strong enough to stop them from meeting and falling so deeply in love even the olympic gods get jealous. 


You tied the red string around your wrist, securing it so that it wouldn't fall off. Only yesterday you'd read about the story true lover's souls were tied together by a red string and no matter how twisted the string'd get, it was unbreakable; eventually causing the inevitable collision of the soulmates. You'd fallen in love with the story immediately. When you were younger, your mother always told you how there was someone out there for you, spending their lives subconciously getting ready to be everything you ever need them to be - just like you are. 

Back then you thought The One for you was going to be Prince Charming, appearing on your doorstep one night and sweeping you right off your feet. Little did you know that your soulmate was actually on the other side of the world right now, buttoning up his black shirt, getting ready to go on a date with someone that wasn't you. 

Jack's POV:
"G, can you pass me the tie?"
"A tie? Really, Johnson?"
"Come on, I wanna make a good first impression."
"Whatever you say, man",
Gilinsky said, handing me the tie, almost knocking over the chair it was hanging over mere seconds ago.
"Careful there", I joked. 

I stared down at my wrist, the red string most certainly not matching my black on black outfit at all. Noticing my stare, Gilinsky cleared his throat. 
"You think she's The One?"
"I hope so." 

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