Jack J - You Compose A Song For Him

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Inspired by "Enez Nein" by Yann Tiersen.

You played the last two chords again. One little note seemed off but it took you over half an hour to figure out why it didn't sound the way you wanted it to. After finally getting it all right you took a deep breath. Over half a year of work spread out in front of you, seven pages of what probably seemed like nonsense to most people, seven pages of what you were most proud of.

Although Jack knew how much you loved to play the piano, he had no idea you had been composing a song for him. It all started when he'd told you that he wished a writer would fall in love him.

When you'd asked him why he'd replied with something that you didn't expect."You see, I love writing songs. And I get my inspriation from people that I love and people that I look up to and I guess sometimes I would love for someone to get inspired by me." You were silently sitting next to him, listening closely to what he was saying. "I once read that people who fall in love with writers never die because parts of them will be written down in every story. I would love to be remembered that way."
Back then, you guys were only friends but it was the same afternoon you'd realized that you were head over heels in love with him. Though you couldn't be a writer to him, composing a song for him was what felt right.

 When Jack came home after the studio that night and you guys were laying on the couch, watching some TV, you prepped yourself up on your elbows.

"Jack?", you asked.
"Yes, love?"
"I need to show you something."
As you got up, Jack was looking curiously at you.
"Is it new lingerie?"
"Better than that."
"There's something better than new lingerie?",
he laughed.

You handed him the headphones. "Psssst, just listen to this", you said quietly, though your voice was laced with nervosity. Jack listened to the song with his eyes closed. Sometimes his finger would twitch as though he was trying to play the song himself. Every once in a while you glanced nervously at him, trying to figure out whether or not he enjoyed it.

When it was finished, he took out the headphones, staring into your eyes.
"Remember when you said you wanted for a writer to fall in love with you? I know this is not a book nor a poem but whenever I think of you I think of neither of them. I think of a song. A little melancholy because you're so far away, a little happiness because when you are here there's nothing else that I could want more."
"You composed a song for me", he whispered, his voice cracking.
A lonely tear found its way down Jack's cheek. He didn't find the words to describe the amount of love and adoration he felt for you. 'I love you' was simply not enough, there had never been a human being that he felt so much endearment towards. You knew what he was thinking. You could feel the love radiating off of him, it was impossible not to tear up.
"I love you too, Jack."
And you both knew that you only said that because there were no strong enough to express the feelings you two had for eachother.

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