Jack G - Meet U In The Sky, Part 1 (Smut)

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Based on their song "Meet U in the sky" (smut, please don't read if you can't handle it)

When Jack saw you for the very first time, his heart stopped beating for a solid ten seconds. Never had he ever seen a woman like you. There was just something in the way you carried yourself that made him want to have you more than he'd ever wanted anything in his life. 

When you guys started hooking up, he knew, without a doubt in his mind, that he was going to fall for you. And he did. 


"Fuck, Jack" you moaned against his lips, your fingers running up and down his naked back. You were addicted to him. 

"Yes babygirl, cum for me", he groaned. Not being to control yourself any longer, you let go. 


You picked your clothes off of the floor, pulling the now wrinkled shirt over your head. 
"Stay with me", Jack whispered, trying to pull you back into bed with him. 
"Jack, you know I have to go."
No, he didn't know. He never understood why you were always in such a hurry to leave his place after hooking up with him, though he suspected you were hooking up with other dudes behind his back. 
Well, technically it wasn't behind his back at all, you both weren't an item, he had no right to expect loyality from you. And yet he wished there was just an ounce of feelings towards him, somewhere deep inside of your heart.  

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