Chapter 1: New Girl

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I walked towards the hell hole I call my new school. I look around and see oh joy! More people I don't know =.=


I hurried my way around  students trying to ignore as much as I can. My long brunette hair swayed as I walked. My hair really brought out my eyes though, hazel green eyes and brunette hair, A perfect combination right?

I tiptoed through the crowd until the front office finally emerged! Yes! Now to make my way through this huge crowd. Ugh! Great!

After a few minutes of squishing through students, looking at best friends run and hug each other saying they miss them, and of course couples making out by the corner over there. I finally reached the front office. I stepped in as quiet as possible, but then the door creaked loudly and I put my hand up to my mouth then started walking towards the lady who had her hair up in a really neat bun, no strands of hair anywhere 'Oh gosh! I think I don't like her already' I thought to myself making my way up to her.

The floor creaked again but louder than the other one that made the lady who was I guess reading a book, look up annoyed. I really dont like her =.=

"Oh um hi. Im the tranferee from New York." I said as quiet as possible.

"Ah! The new girl! What is your name again? I seem to have misplaced your records here somewhere…" she said while looking for my records in her drawers.

"Waters. Laura Georgina Waters." I murmured.

"Here it is! Miss Waters! Welcome to the school! I remember asking someone to-" she got cut off by a girl with ombre hair running through the doors.

"Mrs. Smith I am so sorry Im late I got caught up by co-, Oh Hiii!" she said saying the last part all bubbly.

" I'm Faith and I think Im supposed to show you every bit of this *cough* hell *cough* school!" I giggled at the fact she called this school 'hell'. I think I like this girl already!

"Well Im Laura! it's nice to meet you" offering my hand for a hand shake.

"Oh Laura! I dont do hand shakes!" she exclaimed, instead she tackled me in for a hug.

"CANT. BREATHE. BEING. SQUISHED." I said out of breath.

"We are going to be really good friends! Like we can go shopping and do our hair together" she said happily.

"FAITH!" I squealed. Then she finally realized what she was doing and let me go.

"Im so so so sorry! So! shall we get this tour started?" she asked with the weirdest british accent I've ever heard my whole life.

I chuckled at her declaration but nodded anyways. Next thing I knew I was being dragged in the hallways by a girl I dont know.


So hi! yeaaaah. This is my first story and I hope you guys like it!

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