Chapter 3: Avoid Him.

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Laura's POV

*bell rings*

Yes! Finally! I survived half a day of school! Now the other half =.= Great! A few more hours with Mr. Arrogant. Can this day get any worse?!?

As I was having this deep thinking Faith was waving her hands and looking at me like I was sick or had a disease of some sort.

"You zoned out and I heard you say 'Mr. Arrogant'" she told me smirking. We were on our way to the cafeteria for lunch. Since I was new I don't really know where I should sit. While I was figuring out where to sit, I was pulled by someone and that someone was Faith. She pulled to a table with 2 guys and a girl with bright red hair (woah)

"Hey babe!" AJ said while putting his arms around Faith's shoulders. I looked at them wondering if they were a thing or not.

"In your dreams betch! I am taken by my books!" Faith said making it clear that they weren't a thing. I laughed at his attempt of making a pouty face.

"Hey! You're the girl who stood up to Cole! Nice! He needed someone to stand up to him!" AJ said earning a fist bump from the girl with red hair.

"Im Alyssa! That dude who just tried to hit on and flirt with Faith here is AJ... and the that guy whom I guess just arrived because of baseball practice is named JD" Alyssa introduced herself and the others. JD seemed really nice, maybe we could be best friends.

"So you and Cole huh??" Alyssa said wiggling her eyebrows. I looked at her disgusted "I would never go out with that bastard even if he is the last guy on earth!" I scoffed making Alyssa's eyes widen.

"You should mean that because you have to Avoid him!" I heard JD speak for the first time."I know I need to avoid him. Why though?" I questioned him. "He's a jock. I know his attitude. He sleeps with different girls everynight." he says biting out of his pizza. "Are you guys friends?" I asked him again. I should really stop asking questions. He shot me daggers and just continued eating, I was about to ask him another question, but Alyssa then cut our conversation off.

"Weird. Most girls would be begging for him just to notice them. I've been there before. Almost every girl here except for the freshmens has gone though 'The Collins'" she said having a flashback. "So that's what they call it." I said trying to contain my laughter.

"I mean how can you not tap that? He's hot and attractive!" I was about to say something when Alyssa continued "Plus YOU'RE HIS NEW VICTIM" she smirked. "What was that supposed to mean?!? How am I his next VICTIM?" I asked her getting nervous.

"Well First of all:






And Lastly:

HE'S STARING AT YOU RIGHT NOW SMIRKING" she whispered almost screaming the last part.

I wanted to look behind me but he might think off a different thing. Maybe he would think I had an interest in him. I just wanted to slap that smirk off his face, but I shruggrd it off and continued eating my pizza!

"Dont try to avoid me. You will come around." Cole whispered in my ear as he stood up."Oh really? How do you know that?" I asked him smugly. He held my shoulders "Oh babe, I know you will. Nobody can avoid me" he said smirking and left making me feel frustrated.

'Im in so much trouble.'I thought to myself.


And thats the third chapter. I added Three more characters! Yaaas!

Their descriptions are:

AJ- Tall, Black haired, A basketball jock, but smart. He likes Faith

Alyssa- Red haired, Smart, Volleyball MVP, Science club President.

JD- Dirty Blonde, Baseball jock, Math club President, Muscular, Was best friends with Cole.

Faith- Ombre hair, Student Body President, Smart, English club President, has a high GPA, Swimmer, Has feelings for AJ but denies everything.

I will describe the other characters next time.

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