Chapter One

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Ramsey walked into her bathroom to begin getting ready for a charity event her boss was hosting tonight for designers around the world. She loved dressing up and mingling with all of the important people that would attend. Her boss, Mrs. Adler, was a very important fashion designer in Manhattan and Ramsey was her assistant buyer. Originally, Ramsey only accepted the job to get her foot in the door but after working there for a little over a year Mrs. Adler opened up so many opportunities for her, she wanted to hold onto the job as long as she could. She was only 25 so she figured she could keep this job for at least 2 more years and then by that time she'd be ready to be her own Mrs. Adler.

Ramsey smiled at herself in the mirror, "Ms. Buchanan, Milan loved your designs.", "Ms. Buchanan, London wants to know when they can expect another order from you.", "Ms. Buchanan, you're on the Forbes Billionaires list for 2019." She made herself laugh at that last one, but hey, a girl can dream. Taking one last look at herself in the mirror before heading to the event, she told herself tonight would be then night where she got her name out there. She was effortlessly beautiful and tonight she was glowing. Her blonde hair went down to the small of her back, landing right above her hips in the front. She didn't need to wear make up, but tonight she put on a little mascara and bronzer to empathize her cheekbones. The dress code the event tonight is very formal so she wore a floor length gold dress that hugged her curves perfectly with glitter heals that matched the dress like they were made for each other.

She must've lost track of time because if she waited a minute longer to leave, she'd be late. She grabbed her clutch that was by the door and reached for her keys that were on the table. Right when she was about to close and lock her apartment door, her phone started to ring. Who ever it was would have to wait until she came back home and without checking the caller ID, she turned the door knob and walked out.

From the second Ramsey walked into the venue, all eyes turned to her. She walked around all the tables filled with designers and their colleagues. She happened to glance over and saw a couple at one of the tables, they were all over each other. She thought it was kind of an odd setting to be displaying so much PDA, but then again who was she to judge? She was a single 25 year old woman who didn't think she'd ever find someone to be so affectionate with considering Ramsey spent every waking moment working on improving her career. Although, that was her biggest concern as of right now so she didn't mind much.

"Ramsey! You look absolutely stunning!" Ramsey took her eyes off the lovey-dovey couple to find Mrs. Adler standing at the next table over with some people she hadn't met yet but looked very important. "Thank you, Mrs. Adler. As do you." She replied, leaning in for a kiss on the cheek. "Ramsey, this is Mr. Elsworth and his business partner Mr. Graham. They are stationed in our Albany location. I was just telling them about your new fall line ideas." Mrs. Adler held her hand out in gesture of the two men. "They're very eager to meet you." She shook both their hands and introduced herself. "It's a pleasure to meet you both." She said with a smile. "The pleasure is all ours." Mr. Graham replied. Although the event had hundreds of different companies that attended, she met with each and every fashion designer there that night.

For the next couple hours Mrs. Adler walked Ramsey around the room intruding her to some of the most important fashion designers around the country. If Ramsey hadn't known any better, she'd think her boss was trying to hand her off to someone. She quickly pushed that thought out of her mind and continued to make conversation with a smile. After what felt like years of mingling, she excused herself to go to the ladies room to freshen up. As she walked into the restroom she overheard a lady in the stall on the phone. The woman sounded angry and stressed out. "Don't call me unless I call you! You know I'm with him right now, what if he would've seen your name on my phone?!" Before Ramsey could gather what's going on, the bathroom stall door flew open hard enough to hit the wall conjoining another stall. Even though she'd done nothing wrong, Ramsey felt like she just got her caught with her hand in the cookie jar. "Excuse me." The woman said as she exited the stall. As she walked out Ramsey got a good look at the woman's face and realized it was the girl she'd seen earlier; the one being lovey-dovey at the table when she first arrived at the event.

Ramsey looked back at herself in the mirror, replaying what she heard the woman say. "That is none of your concern, you don't even know for sure what or who she talking about." After a few minutes of convincing herself to just let it go and go about her night, she walked out back into the venue to proceed getting her name known and following her dreams.

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