Chapter Two

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The next morning Ramsey woke up with a smile on her face. Last night had been a hit. She met so many talented designers and not only that, she befriended them. She walked into the kitchen and begun making coffee, as it brewed she pulled up her laptop and started reading the latest news stories. In the middle reading the latest article about Kim and Kayne, a blinking red light caught her attention. The answering machine. On her way out last night she let a call go to voicemail, a call that she had completely forgotten about until that little red light seemed to be getting brighter and brighter the longer it sat there.

"Hi sweetheart,
I just wanted to check in on you, it's been awhile since I was able to talk to call. Since you hadn't called me either, I assumed you've been busy. I am so proud of you for following your dreams of becoming a successful designer. I don't want to bother you, but if you get a free second, give your old man a call. I'd love to talk to you. Love you, dad"

Her dad was her best friend and hearing his voice made her smile. Ever since her mom left when she was eight, she and her dad did everything together. It tore him apart to see her move to Manhattan to follow her fashion career, but he would never ask her to stay. Leaving him in Seattle was by far the hardest thing she'd done. Ramsey was the middle child out of 3 siblings, and she was definitely the closest with their father. Her youngest sister, Scarlet, lived in Boston and only cared about her boyfriend and his family. Ramsey and her oldest sister, Amara, stayed close until last year when they had a falling out.

It was 8:20 am in Seattle and she knew her father would be at the farmers market getting his fruits and vegetables for the week. Before she had moved to Manhattan, her and her dad would go down to the farmers market every Sunday morning after church. They never missed a day and it made her happy knowing her dad still went but it also made her sad at the same time that she couldn't join him anymore. Shaking her head at the thought, she decided she'd call her dad back tonight after all her errands were finished. She couldn't wait to tell him all about the event and who she had met, knowing he would be nothing by over the moon for her.

After she finished getting all caught up on the celebrity drama, she finished her coffee and made her way to the bathroom to get ready for the day. She needed to stop by the bookstore as well as the grocery store. When making her coffee this morning she had little to nothing in her pantry and needed to go shopping desperately. The weekends are really the only time she can ever get anything done, during the week she's running around like a chicken with her head cut off. She dressed herself for the day in black skinny jeans and a black long sleeved shirt with tan booties and an orange and black over sized scarf. Upon walking to the bookstore she noticed the couple from the night before saying goodbye to each other on the street. "I'll call you when I land, Maddox. I love you." The girlfriend said, kissing her boyfriend goodbye then getting into a cab. "Maddox." Ramsey mumbled to herself. Maddox watched the cab pull from the street and drive off. When he turned around to face Ramsey, she noticed that his happy and in love mood from last night now looked sad and distressed. Ramsey replayed the phone call she overheard in her mind, wondering if Maddox knew something was going on. That would explain why he looked so upset, unless he was just sad that his girlfriend was leaving. Normally, the only drama she showed interest in was the ones she'd read online but for some reason she couldn't shake the feeling that Maddox was getting lied to. But once again, that wasn't any of Ramsey's business so she shook her head and made her way to the grocery store.

Ramsey stood in front of the produce, trying to contemplate what she needed for the meals she wanted to make this week. "I should've meal prepped, then I'd know what I need to buy." Feeling annoyed with herself she leisurely walked down the aisle, waiting for something to catch her eye. Her cell phone began to ring and as she dug around for it in her purse, she made eye contract with Maddox who was down the aisle a little ahead of her, he was talking on the phone and still looked distraught. For a second she thought that maybe it was him that was calling her. "Hello?" She answered, right before the call was going to be send to voicemail. "Ramsey, dear, they just loved you last night. Mr. Jones, who was sitting at table six, talked so highly of you. I have people from Rome asking me when they can see samples from you." Ramsey stood in shock at her boss's words. "Oh my gosh, that's incredible. I can put together a portfolio tonight and have it ready for you by Monday morning!" She could hear Mrs. Adler smile through the phone, "That would be perfect! But we will be showing them Monday morning, not just me. We have a Skype call scheduled. See you Monday!" Ramsey hung up the phone and stood there in awe for a moment. Rome wanted her designs. She was going to be on a live Skype call with Rome in less than 48 hours. Then she started to panic, "That just isn't enough time she thought to herself." Hurriedly she rushed to the check out counter. She had 4 apples, a brick of sharp cheddar cheese, a loaf of bread and a box of Wheathins in her cart. "This will have to do for now." She told herself, loading the items on the counter to be rung up. Thankfully, the bookstore was right around the corner so she just ran in real fast and picked up the planner she wanted. She was in and out in five minutes. Once she got home, she sat right down and started working on getting a portfolio together; she had no time to waste.

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