Chapter One - All Aboard

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The Carlyles arrived to Platform 9 ¾ via floo powder because there was no way that Mrs. Katarina Carlyle and her family were going to pass through the muggles to get there. Adaline went to get on the Hogwarts express and her mother called her over.

" Adaline dear over here for a brief moment." Addy walked over to where her mother and father stood.

 " Dear, your father and I have spoken to your brother, if you misbehave as you do at home or tarnish our family name in anyway he will be reprimanding you. Do you comprehend that?" She said this with a snide voice where her Czech accent was very audible.

" Yes, mother I do indeed comprehend you as I do have ears and a functioning brain. As much as you may believe that I do not." Adaline's response made her mother stiffen up and brow furrow.

There was a family standing near the Carlyles, their son had overheard Adaline's slightly sassy response to her parent, he had completely missed what their question had been to her. Her response had made him chuckle to himself as he would say something along those lines to his mother.

The Hogwarts express blew its horn signaling for all the students to climb aboard. Adaline took her trunk and got onto the train and went off to find a compartment. She walked by three compartments, the fourth compartment was filled with a group of Slytherin's this included Elijah. Addy took a quick glance inside and her brother just shook his and gave her a dirty glare. Addy knew that Lijah wanted nothing to do with her so she kept walking. Adaline finally found a compartment with a few open seats and what looked like other first year students. Adaline open the compartment and asked the four other girls if she could take a seat.

" Of course, we do not mind at all, my name is Lily what is your's?" The redhead was bubbly and friendly.

The other girls all smiled at Adaline and introduced themselves. Marlene, Alice, and Kaylee were all seated in the compartment.

" Um, hello I am Adaline Carlyle. It is nice to meet you all, thank you for letting me sit with you." Adaline said with a smile.

Adaline sat down and started chatting with all the girls. They all talked about what house they thought they might be in and how fun some of the classes might be. Everyone seemed keen on starting Defense against the dark arts as well as charms. Adaline couldn't help but smile to herself. Not once had someone mentioned blood or pureism. Nor did any one of these girls want to be in Slytherin. This was a big change for her as she was used to her family always talking about the ideal wizarding world with no Muggleborns and half- bloods.

As the train ride went on everyone started to relax a little more, until a sudden loud sound outside the compartment door which made all five girls in the compartment jump. The door slid open and a young boy, first year by the looks of it stepped in. He had disheveled black hair and rectangular glasses, he seemed to walk in with an air of haughtiness. He was pushed further into the compartment by a small round looking boy who introduced the two of them right away.

" Hi, I'm Peter and this is James, " he said with a squeak.

" Hello girls, as young Peter here has mentioned, I am James, " he said this with a smirk on his face. James shook hands with all the girls in the compartment. He seemed to stare a little longer at Lily and gave her a sweet little smile.

There was a shout from outside the compartment.


A young boy with shoulder length black hair came rushing into the compartment and ducked behind James.

" Sorry mate, just need to hide from a group of angry slytherin's" said the boy.

Just as he said that a group of third year Slytherin's came running past. James started to laugh.

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