Chapter 14 - A load of Tossers

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The teachers had started preparing them for their exam, even though they were still a couple months away. The homework was piling up for all the students, because of this Adaline sat in the Library working on a Potions reading when a tall figure lazily flopped down in the chair beside her.

" How's it going Raven?" Sirius asked Adaline. Adaline looked up at him.

" Well, I was being really productive until this." She gestured to his entire body. " Slightly irritating human decided to sit next to me." she responded with a little laugh.

" Only slightly? I guess I havent been giving you my A game then. I will have to try harder." Sirius said back to her, a smile playing across his lips.

 All Adaline could do was laugh at his statement. Adaline caught herself admiring his smile, it seems genuine. She knew he always smiled his arrogant grin to everyone, but this smile was different. His arrogant grin seemed like a facade, something for him to hide behind and she had learned how to see right through it. Sirius noticed how Adaline's stare had lingered on him longer than usual and he felt a flutter rise in his stomach. What was that he wondered to himself, nothing had ever made him feel like that before. While he was studying her and her smile, it suddenly dropped. Sirius heard footsteps behind him, he turned to look to see who it was. Elijah Carlyle stood behind him, Sirius swung himself in his chair to face Elijah.

" The older Carlyle, good to see you again." Sirius said to Elijah.

" Black." Elijah gave a short nod. " I need to speak to my sister on my own if you don't mind."

Sirius was about to get up and leave the two to be, when Adaline's hand slipped onto his leg and grabbed his pants into a fist. Sirius took that as Adaline did not want to be left here with her brother. Sirius leaned back in his chair plastering his cocky grin on his face.

" Well, you see Carlyle I am actually really comfortable here and don't really feel like getting up and moving. All this extra work is really taking it out of me and less moving I have to do the better."

Elijah scowled at Sirius. " You should learn to respect purebloods a little more Black."

Sirius just laughed at this. " Yes Mum." Black responded with a small salute. Adaline couldn't help but give a small snicker at Sirius's response. Elijah's gaze moved to his sister now.

" Well, if Black won't leave I will say this to you sister. Keep your opinions to yourself and stay out of people business to understand me." Elijah said to Adaline with disgust in his voice.

All Adaline could muster was a nod. With everything happening, she forgot that the curse he had used on her the a while ago had been detected. This was his way of saying do not tell anyone that it was him who had cast the curse. Adaline felt the pressure in her chest release as her brother walked away from the table, she hadn't realized she was even holding her breath.

" What was that all about?" Sirius questioned Adaline.

" Beats me, my brother always had a tendency to be cryptic." Adaline lied to Sirius.

Sirius knew she was lying to him, she knew exactly what her brother meant by his statement but refused to tell him. That was fine with Sirius, he had things between his brother, he would rather not have others know and this is why he did not push her for more information but instead made light of the situation.

" A bit of tosser isn't he." Sirius said.

Adaline just had to chuckle at this. " Oh the lot of them are, my family is just a load of tossers really."

" Not all of them." Sirius replied. Adaline looked over at Sirius, her eye tracing the edge of his jawline and the sharpness it held.

" I mean you are not a complete tosser now."

Adaline gave Sirius a playful shove as he said this to her. " Takes one to know Black."

Sirius gave a fake offended look, with his mouth slightly open and brows furrowed. Adaline had her hand on the table as they spoke, Sirius kept looking down at it. He slowly inched his hand closer to hers, they were inches apart. Sirius could feel the spark of electricity run through him. The moment before he was going to grab her hand the sound of laughter entered the library. The other three Marauders were the cause of the laughter. Sirius pulled his hand away and dropped it in his lap as if he had not almost reached for Adaline's hand or felt the an electrical pulse through him from just being in close proximity to her. The three boys all sat down at the table with them.

" What are the three of you giggling about?" Sirius asked the boys.

" You should have seen their faces, it was priceless." Peter snickered. The three boys continued to giggle. Madam pince shot them all a disapproving glance. James tried to is laughter with great difficulty.

" Ok boys, take a breath I want to know who you pranked." Adaline asked with a childish grin.

" Ok, ok ha-ha, well, we slipped dungbombs in the robe pockets of three Slytherin while walking past them in the hall." Said James. Peter interrupted James.

" They set off further down the hall, making it look like they had planned to set them off! Filch gave them two days worth of detention." Peter told Sirius and Addy. Addy giggled at the thought of the expressions on the three Slytherins who had just acquired detention. Priceless she thought.

" Remus I thought as prefect you were to control these beasts." Addy asked in a joking manner.

Remus smiled at her. " I can't control my own beast within let alone these guys." Gesturing to Peter, James and Sirius. " I must also add that prefect or not I still enjoy a good practical joke now and then."

The boys hung around in the library for some time before Adaline got up and headed to bed, leaving the Marauders all on their own at the table.

" She seems to be dealing alright." Stated James.

" Maybe she's just compartmentalizing her feelings." Peter mentioned to the group.

" Wow peter way to go, that's a big word for you." Sirius joked. Remus punched Sirius in the shoulder for the comment.

" Oy, Moony what was that for? I was just playing, Peter knows that. Right Petey?"

Peter nodded to Sirius.

" So when will you admit you have feelings for her Padfoot?" James questioned.

Sirius rolled his eyes at James. " Prongs back on this are we?"

" We are Padfoot, because you fancy her and sooner or later another guy will see how great she is and you will have missed your chance." James said blatantly.

" I don't think he is into her, he doesn't flirt with her like he does to most girls." Peter told the boys.

" It is because he doesn't flirt with her like the other girls that I know he fancies her." said James.

" Well, she isn't like the other girls." Sirius said quickly and quietly.

A grin grew on Moony's face as well as James's.

" So you admit it then?" Moony asked Padfoot.

" Not happening boys sorry." Sirius replied as he stood up and headed back to the dorm.

" Do you think he will ever realize we have been right the entire time prongs?" Remus asked James as they watched Sirius leave the library.

" Do you think she would go for it though?" Peter asked more rudely than he intended.

" She said she would never go for him because she does not want to get played by the biggest player in school, but I think she may fall for him once she sees how much she means to him. Even if he has yet to admit it." Remus said to himself more than the others. It was getting late now and Madam pince told the boys they had to leave the library for the night. They went to their dorm and slipped into their bed. Each one dropping off into a gentle slumber. 

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