Ch. 5: Ice Cream Wasted

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After a long hot shower in my own bathroom, I felt so relaxed and at ease. Tonight was girl's night and I was so ready to chill with my girls and eat ice cream. Pulling up to Kate's apartment complex always made feel a tiny bit jealous. I wish I could live by myself or at least have a roommate like Kate but since the incident from last spring, I knew my dad wouldn't trust me to live by myself. After everything that happened, I wasn't so sure I trusted myself either.

Kate's parents are crazy loaded and had gotten their youngest daughter an apartment after she refused to keep living at the dorms. Kate, wanting to be independent, came to the agreement with her parents to let her pay half of it. Of course, it was still a crazy amount causing her to get a roommate, Alyssa Banks.

I had met Alyssa when I reconnected with Kate late last year and she had become my 'twin'. Or at least that's what we always got when we went out together. She stood a few inches taller than me but had the same tan complexion with dark hair as I do. Yet while I had straight hair, she has beautiful long waves.

Kate had given me an extra key to their apartment so there really was no need for me to even knock at his point. "I'm here, bitches!" I say, walking in.

"TIME TO GET ICE CREAM WASTED!" exclaimed a loud voice from the living room. I guess Kate had drunk a glass or two of wine before I arrived. Before I even made it past their small foyer, a long lean body came barreling in, almost knocking me down.

"Whoa, slow down there, cowgirl." I hugged Kate back as best as I could while holding a plastic bag containing at least 6 different pints of ice cream.

"I'm just so excited! I haven't seen you in almost a week and I've been swamped with work. Speaking of, I gotta tell you about some changes in the plan."

"Okay, well, let me put these in the freezer before they melt. Did the pizza come in yet?" I walked farther into their very simplistic yet modern apartment. I love how Kate had decorated with mostly black and white and loads of plants. Their freezer was poorly stocked and momentarily, I wondered how they survived on take out all the time. I knew how futile it would be to try to convince them to cook every now and then, so I kept my mouth shut.

Kate leaned against their marble countertop and said, "Alyssa went to pick them up since she said it was cheaper and faster than delivery. Honestly, as long as I get food in my belly soon, I don't care."

"If Will knew the number of carbs I'm about to ingest, he'd have me work twice as hard as I already am." I take a seat at the counter opposite of her while she grabbed some paper plates, along with the ranch.

"Oh please, you love to work out, yet you love to complain even more." She said coming back and placing all the utensils down.

I gasped, outraged at her lies. "That's not true. I only complain when necessary."

"For you complaining is a necessity. Plus, if I had such a hottie as a trainer, I wouldn't mind at all."

"What about Liam? Your fiancé? Remember him? Plus, you're not exactly Wills' type." I smirked thinking back to my earlier conversation with Will about meeting his boyfriend.

"Ha ha ha." Mocked Kate, "Anyways, Liam is my one and only. No matter how hot any man is, they'll never compare to my Liam." The lovestruck look she got on her face made my heart sting a bit. Deep inside, I wish I had someone like Liam, someone I could share my ups and downs, my awkward experiences, and my interests with. Unfortunately, I don't think love was in my cards right now so I would have to settle for pizza and ice cream.

Kate and I continued to make small talk and tease each other until Alyssa arrived with the pizzas. My stomach was eating itself and if Alyssa had arrived five minutes later, I would've started snacking on Kate's arm. As soon as we heard the door open, we basically jumped on Alyssa. The smell of the delicious pizza wafted in and we grabbed the boxes out of Alyssa's hands before she could even speak.

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