Alex's POV Ch4

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They came back again. The fucking dreams. No, not dreams. Dreams involve fucking rainbows and shit made out of candy and that's definitely not what wakes me up in the middle of the night covered in sweat. No, what I get are called nightmares. My nightmares don't come often but when they do it's like they're out for revenge. They're here for one reason and one reason only, to torture me. To remind me of what I did to him, to my brother.

Fuck me, it was almost 7 am so I might as well get up and start my day because at this point, I wouldn't be getting much sleep. I didn't have class until 11 but the one place I knew was open so early and would welcome me with open arms was the gym. The place where I could take my frustrations out. It was a temporary fix, but at least it would take my mind off these fucking nightmares for a while.

By the time I made it to the gym, it was already 8a m. I guess I took a little longer in the shower than I thought. I've been coming to this gym for almost five years, - way before the nightmares started - and at this point, it was my second home. Not a lot of people came in the mornings so seeing about 6 cars in the parking lot wasn't a big surprise. Noticing the red corolla with a bumper sticker that said "Protected By Sam and Dean" caused me to chuckle. That Supernatural show has been going on forever, poor dudes.

Walking into the lobby, the little bell above rung, reminding me that I was in a safe space where I could let everything out, my personal slice of heaven.

"Oh, if it isn't Alex, himself, now you can give him his jacket without bothering me. Goodbye, and have a lovely day." I scrunched up my nose, was Mark talking to me? That dude was weird, so I always tried not to make much conversation or else he'd end up telling all the times he supposedly got laid. That's when I noticed her. Jackie. The short girl with raven hair and big brown eyes. Her back was facing me so I couldn't see her gorgeous eyes, but I recognized her alright. Her stance was stiff and frigid, was Mark bothering her?

"Shortcake?" I called out, partly to annoy her and partly to let Mark know not to mess with her.

She turned around giving me a tight smile. Wow! Someone was in a pissy mood, and it probably wasn't Mark that was annoying her since he went back to reading that Sports Illustrated magazine he always carries around. My eyes took her in. She really was beautiful. With her tan glowing skin and those big pouty lips. I could tell she was the type of person who didn't trust easily, she had walls up, just like me. I had noticed that when we had all gone out, last Friday. Everyone had run their mouth, but not her. She managed to join the conversation a few times but never giving too much of herself away. As I kept checking her out, I noticed my jacket behind her on top of Mark's desk.  

"Is that my jacket? I was looking everywhere for it until I remembered that I had let you borrow it. I would've texted you about it but..." I trailed off, I actually did ask Will for her number, but he said that if I wanted it, I would have to ask her myself, but I hadn't seen her all weekend.

Seeing her turn red both from embarrassment and anger did something to me. It sparked my attention; she sparked my attention. I never knew I'd enjoy teasing someone so much. When I mentioned the date and I saw her ears get red and her breath slight waver, I knew I had to keep talking to this girl. Maybe if I asked her out on a date for real, she'd say yes. But she was getting agitated and I could no longer tell if she really was mad or not. When I followed her out the door, I realized that maybe I shouldn't have pushed her buttons so much, but it was fun seeing her riled up. She was a feisty little thing, and I liked it.

"Okay, that's it. I'm done. Also, I'm half Mexican so coffee runs through our veins." She had stopped walking away from me and now I could tell her whole face was red. This girl was pissed, yeah, I most definitely went too far. I barely managed to tell her I was kidding when she was already getting into her car, the red corolla with the Supernatural sign. Of course, it was hers, after our little Twilight banter at the restaurant I should've known. I smiled at the thought of her watching Supernatural and laughing at something Dean said. I looked up once more to see her glaring at me and before I could mutter another apology, she flipped me off and drove off.

This girl was something else, allright. She was hot and cold but also so damn gorgeous. In the span of ten minutes, I had felt something inside of me awaken. Was I okay? That nightmare must have done some real damage to me since I was basically waxing poetical shit now. Shaking my head as if to get rid of all the weird-ass thoughts, I walked back inside the gym.

I had barely walked a few steps into the gym and when Mark said, "You and your girl made up?"

I glared at Mark wanting to tell him to fuck off but held off. "She's not my girl."

"Mhm, she had your jacket and you kept calling her shortcake, I think that makes her your girl." He smirked at me with his Justin Bieber looking ass. Didn't he know, Justin had cut off his hair years ago and he should probably do the same. I clearly remember because my sister, Lola, had shut herself in her room crying because 'we need to have a funeral for his hair'.

"If you speak one word of what you heard today, I will personally go around telling every girl in this gym and post all over Instagram how you have a small dick and can't last more than 20 seconds, got it?" I made sure to basically growl at him. He, of course, shrunk under my glare and weakly nodded. I don't give a rat's ass what people say about me, but I had a feeling Jackie wouldn't want people knowing I call her shortcake or starting silly rumors.

Making my way to the locker room, I made a mental note to apologize next time I see her. I want to keep getting to know Jackie and as much fun as it is to tease her, I don't want her to hate me. In the meantime, it was time to let loose and forget about events that haunt me.


This was my first time writing in a guy's pov and I had so much fun. I love Alex sm and I hope yall do. Let me know what you thought of this chapter. Don't forget to comment and vote.

*follow me on ig (@faeTheWriter) for updates on my story & poems

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