Chapter 2

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I hear a soft knock on the door and a small head peaks through the small crack. I smile because it's Luna, one of the maids here. She is maybe 8 years old and like the little sister I've always wanted.

" Hana! Hiiiii. How are you!?" She asks, her small voice sweet like honey. I smile at her, and she returns it with a very toothy grin.

" Im good! " I tell her, and she plops down next to me on my bed. I take out my phone, and hand it to her. She happily goes into YouTube.

" Oooooh. You know the band, BTS!? They released a new album! It's ' Wings.' ". I nod my head, even though I had no actual interest in the band. I mean, they were very good looking, better looking than the guys in my school, but they seemed arrogant and cocky. However, I didn't want to upset Luna during her break.

" Really!? That's so cool. The name sounds awesome. I can tell you're gonna like it. " I say, giving her a slight squeeze. She beams at me widely.

" Well, a lot of people have been hating on them for no reason, but they have voices of angels, and they care for one another. Do you like them?!" She asks. Her voice is soft, but stern. She looks at me, one brow raised, and for a moment, I felt nervous. However, I mentally shook my head, and smiled.

" I'm not a total fan, but I've heard some of their songs. They're pretty good. " I tell her, and she slowly starts smiling. It's a bit creepy, but cute.

" OMG!! Who is your favorite!? Who's your wrecker!? Oh I have so many questions!!! " She squeals gleefully. Luna grabs my arm, and hugs it tightly.

" Well...... that-um..... Jimin guy is cool. And- I think..... the Taehyung guy is pretty cool as well. " I say hesitantly, knowing that even more questions will be on the way.

" Well, my bias is Jungkook because he is super cute baby, and he is super nice and funny. My wrecker is Jin because he is super handsome and funny. He also tells really cheesy but funny dad jokes!! " I can literally see the happiness flashing brightly and warmly through her eyes. She must be super happy to have someone to talk to about BTS after working for ages.

" Luna...? Your break is over. " I hear a voice call out for the girl next to me, and her shoulders slump down sadly.

" Coming..." She says sadly, and I smile at her.

" Stop by after at night and we can talk again. " She smiles, and leaves.

" I'm terribly sorry that Luna bothered you Miss. Song. " One of the older maids, Clara says solemnly. I shake my head.

" Oh, it's quite all right. She's very entertaining. " I say, and Clara gives me a weak smile before leaving the room.

I take my phone and set it on my side table. I turn off my light and my lamp from the small touchpad installed into the side of my table. Yawning, I pull the Lavender Soothing Sleep Spray out of my drawer, spritz it twice on my pillow, and put it away. My head falls back onto the pillow, and my eyes drift close. Slowly, but surely, I fall into a seemingly comfortable sleep.


I wake up, drenched in sweat, and I shiver slightly. I have no clue. I may have had another unknown dream. Nevermind I think, and get out of bed. Trudging to my closet, I pull out some clothes for today and step into the bathroom attached to my room.

I pull off my shirt, and stare at my bruised and scraped body. I have been hurting myself a bit, but it's fine. It's not that bad. I'm not half dead. I change quickly, rubbing at one of the scabs that had peeled and released blood all over the side of my shirt.

" Good morning, Miss. Song. " I hear one of the maids call out as I leave my room. I look back and smile at her. She weakly smiles back, and I can tell there is a hint of pain in her eyes. I struggle to shrug it off as I walk down the stairs.

" Hana! " I hear someone yell my name and I turn around to see my mom, holding a tube of lipstick in her hand along with an eyeshadow palette. I groan. This is her everyday routine. Yell at me for not wearing makeup after waking up, apply her own makeup, then scold me even more.

" You know I DESPISE makeup!" I tell her, sudden irritation bubbling up in my blood. She rolls her eyes, and walks back into her room. I continue down the stairs, and get to the kitchen. My mom was so caught up in herself and she never realizes what I'm going through.

I finally make it down the stairs, and into the kitchen. I see Luna standing there, holding a spatula in hand. I breathe in deeply, and smell eggs.

" I could have made those! You don't have to work on cooking!" I say, gently pushing her away. She looks down, and pouts. I frown and kneel down to be at eye level with her.

" Mrs. Song told me to make it. " She mumbled, and my blood began to boil.

" And, you listened to her!? " I say angrily. My mom was always pushing Luna around, and it irritated the hell out of me. I hug her tightly, send her off, and finish making mom's egg. Setting it down on the plate, I sigh very loudly.
A/N: Helllloooooo. It's JS11 again. Sorry it took so long for this chapter to publish. A lot of stuff was going on. I don't have a set schedule, but I'll be updating most likely once a month, maybe twice if I'm not super busy. I hope you guys are enjoying the story.


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