A story about a girl who finds out her mother's deepest darkest secret, and goes to search for he long lost brother while battling depression all before loving Bangtan and life!
"Hana!?" A woman shouts, and before me, a woman I have seen before falls on her knees right before me on the driveway, with tears flowing out of her eyes.
"Kim Hana, you need to get out of the car and greet your mother." The police officer next to me says sternly, and I flinch. I totally forgot about her. I awkwardly open the door, and step out onto the driveway.
"I'm sorry." I whisper, and the lady looks at me wildly.
"Why-" she hiccups, " Why are you sorry. You did nothing wrong." She says before getting up and hugging me. I tense up, not being used to hugs. The lady probably noticed, because she wordlessly let go of me, and wiped her eyes.
"Hana, sweetie, I'm your mother. Your-your real mother." She says, and I step back quickly.
"Wait....But, that can't be right." I say quickly, and she takes me hand into her own. Her eyes are soft and have a hint of love in them.
"If you'll come sit inside, I can explain everything." She says quietly, and she leads me into the unfamiliar house. I sit down on the couch, and stare around. Around me, is a beautiful home. Glass chandeliers hang from the ceiling, luxurious couches and cushions lay before me, and a handsome wooden table is lain before me.
"So..um....Who are you?" I ask, and the lady lets out a dry sob.
"I'm your mother, Hana. Your REAL mother. I gave birth to you, and only got to see you for 5 months before you were stolen from us. Your whole childhood, was stolen from us. We never got to see you grow up, fall in love, or even feel loved." She says, before bursting into a fresh round of sobs.
I don't know what to do. An almost 40 year old woman is sobbing her eyes out in front of me, claiming to be my biological mother, and I don't know whether I should let her cry her eyes out, or comfort her awkwardly. She suddenly, stops crying, regains her posture, and takes a deep breath.
"As I was saying: I am your mother. Mrs. Kim. You are a Kim. You might have figured out by now that you have a brother. Kim Seokjin. Of the group BTS?" She asks, raising her eyebrow, and I can't help but be shocked with the fact that not even 1 minute ago, this woman was sobbing he eyes out, telling me that I was stolen from her.
"Yes, I know who my brother is. About that.....What am I going to do?" I ask, and she takes my hand into hers.
"You'll be moving to Seoul tomorrow morning, in an apartment. Your father and I have already paid for it, and you will be able to meet your brother tomorrow." She says, and that's when I panic.
"I-I don't mean to be rude.....But how can I trust that you're my real mother." I say hesitantly, and she stands up.
"Wait here." She says, and leaves the room. I can't help by panic because I really have to use the bathroom, and I don't know where ANYTHING is in this house....😰
I get up from the couch, and look around the room. On a mantle set delicately on a fireplace, are picture frames. I look at them curiously, and I see two children. One looking of the age of 7 or 8, and one looking as though they had just reached 3 months. I stare at the picture, mesmerized by the small baby sitting in the boy's lap.
I conclude, after 7 minutes, that that is me and my brother.....😰. The lady, or as I should say now, mom, walked back into the room. I look at her, and in her hand is a stack of papers, and I look at her with need.
"Can we please discuss this later? I NEED to use the bathroom really badly...." I say, and she laughs slightly, and points to the door I passed when I first walked in.
"Right there....And I'm sorry for making you wait so long." She says. I mouth an "It's okay", and legit SPRINT to the bathroom.
Okay, sorry. I just needed to get that off my chest. Thank you guys so much for being loyal readers. If you're new to this book, then Hello there! I'm super happy about this. Please don't forget to recommend this book to your other ARMY friends.
Also, can I just say that I added the whole bathroom thing, one as a filler, and two, because I thought it would be funny.
Also, did ya'll see BTS' twitter, and what Becky G said? You guys, I kid you not, I smell a collab, and I am scared because just imagine them singing in Spanish......... 😨
Thanks again for 100 reads. Love ya!
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