Chapter 4

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" So. Hana, I was thinking, and I've decided that you should come with me to the concert! " Hyejin squealed, latching onto my arm and staring at me with great interest.

" No, no. You and Yejun should go. I don't want to intrude on your time together. " I say, and she lets go of my arm in dissatisfaction.

" Fineeeee~ " She said, and we make our way to class.

The day goes by, and every time I go to my locker, a white rose is taped to the door, without a note, and with the same weird red drop dripping down the side of the flower. Every time, I shove it into my locker, look around as though I'm being watched, and go to my next class.

I stand outside the school, waiting for James. I hear a honk, and I jerk my head up from my phone to the car parked in front of me, and the window slowly rolls down.

" Hana. Get. In. " says the person inside, and I remember the voice at once.

" Seojun?" I ask in shock, and the figure nods. " My driver is gonna come get me. Or I can walk home. I don't need you to drive me. " I say sternly, and I start to walk away. He honks the car's horn and I ignore it entirely.

His car speeds past me, and I text James that I'll walk home today

I make my way home, and buy a small cup of tea on the way ( teehee ). I open the front door and I'm attacked by Li, my tiny Pomeranian dog. I give her an affectionate pat on the head and walk up the stairs to my room.

I hear a crinkling sound, and I look down to realize that I stepped on a piece of paper. I pick it up, and read the headline.

June 3rd XXXX

MISSING!!! Sister of Kim Seokjin
Kim. Age: 3 months. Please find. Family is devastated

I stare at the paper, shaking my head. No way. It can't be me. Never. I crumple the paper up into a ball and toss it into the trash on my way into my room.

It can't be me.....right??

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