Chapter 3

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I slip on a jacket and my backpack, and laced up my shoes. It was time for me to go to school, and James, my driver, was waiting patiently by the large front door for me, the key to the Lexus parked in the garage.

" Ms. Song, we must get going now. You'll be late if you don't hurry. " He says, jiggling the keychain in his hand. I nod, and sprint to the front door, and open it quickly. He open the garage and  I go and sit in the car. He starts the ignition and off we go.

It didn't take very long to get to school. I opened the door, and walked out. I walked, slightly moving my hips. I quickly walked into the bathroom, and into the special mirror stall.

I pulled out my hair color comb and quickly ran it through my hair. Strips of brown hair immediately changed into blue, purple, and pink. Tucking everything back into my bag, I leave the bathroom and get to class early.

" Hana-ah! Guess what!? Yejun oppa said he was going to take me to a BTS concert!! " My best friend screamed upon my entry into the classroom. I smiled at her, and everyone suddenly crowded around me. I rolled my eyes, used to the popularity.

Everyone tried to get close to me because they knew how rich my family was, and I can't trust anyone. But not Hyejin. She is my best friend and I've known her since I was 6. She would never be my friend for money. Our friendship is real, unlike all the other ones I've been in.

" Song Hana. It's been a while since we've seen each other. " I looked to my right, and Kim Seojun stood there with his arms crossed, staring at me.

" Seojun. " I say, nodding my head towards him. He frowns, and everyone slowly backs away from us. They know the drama between us, so they know not to intervene.

" You're not even going to call me by my honorifics. " He sighed, and made a tut tut sound. I glared at him.

" Why would I call you oppa. You are not a significant figure in my life. " I say and I didn't even realize he was moving towards me slowly.

" But aren't I your oppa? " He asked, his words dripping with sarcasm. I shook my head, and for the split second that my eyes had closed, he leaned forward and trapped me against the wall. I looked around to find everyone minding their own business, fearful that Seojun would fight them if they had stared.

Mustering up all the courage I had, I shoved him away and he staggered backwards. His brows were furrowed and an angry expression was painted across his face. I swear I could see the light amount of makeup he is wearing.

" J-just you wait, Jagiya. I'll make you. All. Mine. " He whispered through hitched breathing. I hurried away from him and sat in my desk. He slaked towards his desk and sat down, and I swear I could feel his stare.

The teacher walked in and started class. All throughout class, all I could feel were those eyes. When the bell rang, everyone rushed out of class. We have a 20 minute free period, so I walk to my locker and unlock it. Setting all my things inside it, I sigh. What did he mean by he would make me his? A shiver ran down my spine but I ignore it and shut my locker. Taped to the door, was a rose. It has something trickling down the side, and it was a deep red color. Staring at it, I suddenly felt sick. I pulled it off carefully, avoiding the thorns, and silently slipped it into the vents of my locker.

As I did that, it felt as if someone was staring at me. When I turned around, all I see are the faces of students chatting amongst themselves. I shake away the feeling as Hyejin comes to me and starts chatting away.

" I brought my BTS necklace. " She said, pointing to her neck. Surely enough, there was a necklace with a vest on it bearing the name BTS. I smile at her, and we walk through the halls of school, towards our next class.

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