Don't Forget to Set the Table

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Agnetha and Frida were sitting on Benny and Frida's bed, while Björn and Benny were in the kitchen. They were talking about everything that had happened. "I'm really excited! I have a mini me growing in my stomach!" Frida said to Agnetha.
"And I have a mini Bjorn!" Agnetha said.
" Wait but we don't know the genders! You could have a mini you, and I could have a mini Benny! " Frida said even more excited.
"Or, I could have TWO mini me's and you could have TWO mini Benny's or the other way around!"
"Or one of each!" they both laughed so hard and almost peed themselves. They were so happy and hugged each other.
"Oh my gosh!" Frida said. " Oh shit, " she said was quietly. She put her hand against her head. "Everything just started spinning!" She said.
" Oh no! " Agnetha said. "Here, lay down and close your eyes, or look at the ceiling in one spot."
"Okay," Frida said worried. She breathed in and out. "Okay we're good now!"
"Oh good! I thought you were gonna vomit on me!"
"Sweetie I was just dizzy! My stomach didn't hurt!"
" 5 minute warning! " Benny yelled.
"Hey, wanna go set the table?" Frida asked Agnetha.
"Sure! I'm starving!" Agnetha replied. The two girls walked in the kitchen to find Benny and Björn cooking and finishing up. Frida walked behind Benny and gave him a hug from behind.
"I'm here to help you, babe." She said in a low sexy voice.
"It's okay darling, go sit down." He replied. She put her chin on Benny's shoulder and rubbed his stomach.
"I'll set the table dear, it will be okay!" She kissed him on the cheek. While Frida and Benny had their conversation, Agnetha and Björn were interacting too.
"Hey sexypants," Agnetha said to Bjorn. He turned around and put his hands on her hips. " You look hot when you wear your overalls. " She said to him.
"Yeah?" He asked.
" Yeah, " she said in a low, sexy voice. She reached up her head and kissed him, and he kissed her back. Her ran his fingers through her long blonde hair, and she wrapped her hands lightly around his neck. Frida giggled when she saw this, and walked over to them. It was time to get Agnetha back. She walked up behind Agnetha, and slipped her hands around her waist and started kissing her neck from behind. It took Agnetha and Björn a few seconds to realize what was happening and they both screamed. "You sick bitch!" Agnetha said.
" You spanked me on a plane! Now we are even! Come, let's see the table. " Frida replied.

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