Chapter 1: A Journey to nowhere.

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the taxi driver stopped his car near a jewelry shop and went outside. anika remains lost in thoughts where she didn't shed a drop of tears. the taxi driver came inside took his charge and gave the balance amount to anika.

ma'am, i took my money ... by selling your bangles... - taxi driver said and gave the balance amount where she saw him surprisingly.

don't be surprised, madam ... i am not the person who's running behind the money... i know something has happened in your life... facing that is better than running away... - the driver said where she signed disbelief and said: "something is beyond repair and we can't able to fix it... bhaiya drop me near that shop".

he dropped her near that shop and left by giving a quick smile. where she was standing lonely on the roads of Pune with a huge amount of money in her hands which values nothing to her now but once it matters everything to her which can't resist herself from recalling the first time when she saw him.

there was an accident, it was the first time when she saw him for the first time before 2 years near a highway when she was coming from her boring call-center job in public transport.

"accident... accident" - everybody started to shout where she took off her earphones and went down to see the spot.

its the first time, she saw him in a pool of blood but everyone was busy watching but none was ready to call an ambulance or give any medical emergency. with shivering hands, she opened the door of BMW where he fell on her hands immediately. she checked his pulse but she can't able to find it.

when did the accident happen?  - anika asked the people. 

before 5 mins... - one of them replied.

ok, help me ... - she said and dragged him outside and kept him on the flat on the road.

what are you doing? - one of them asked. 

i am a medical student... drop out (she sounded low) ... call the ambulance now... - she informed them and did CPR to shivaay where he got his pulse back. by then the ambulance came and took him.

ma'am only first-class tickets are available to Hyderabad. - a person in the ticket counter informed her while breaking her chain of thoughts.

ok... when? - anika asked them. 

the train will depart in 2 hours... and what's your name? - he asked him. 

Anika shi...(she stopped) its just Anika... and here's my id proof...  - she said and gave it to him where he gave the tickets and she left.

after a while, she sat on the train where her mind was fully messed up in thoughts. she caressed her stomach and thought, "i know i grave a very big mistake by taking you away from your father, but what shall i do?  mummah is alone... i desperately need you than your father... if possible forgive your mother". soon she heard a little girls voice and opened the compartment door.

"mumah... i want lays" - a little girl threw a tantrum to her mom.

"baby ... no ... the train is about to leave" - her mom replied to her.

"if you don't i will complain to daddy" - the girl warned her.

"ok fine" - that lady said and was about to leave.

"excuse me" - she turned her face towards anika and she turned her face towards her.

"can you take care of my daughter, it will be just for a few minutes" - that lady asked anika where she nodded and she went outside to buy some snacks.

"hi" - anika started the conversation.

"hello" - that little girl replied in a low tone.

"i am anika" - anika forwarded her hand with a little smile in her face.

"i am Nikita" - that little girl forwarded her hand and they both shook their hands.

"baby ... here are your snacks don't complain anything to your dad" - that lady said where she excitedly took the snacks from her hands and started to eat.

"her father is her favorite and he can do anything for her..." - that lady said which left anika in deep thoughts.


sir, we found ma'am phone near the entrance...  - Khanna said and hand over the phone to him.

khanna ... check CCTV...  - shivaay ordered him in a shivering tone where he left to search her, he called her friends but they have no idea about her.

you can't do this to me... - shivaay whispered in pressure. by then he got a call from Khanna.

khanna... found anything? - shivaay bombarded him.

sir, Ma'am took a taxi from Oberoi mansion. - khanna informed him.

khanna track that taxi... - shivaay said, took a U-turn and went back Oberoi mansion.

khanna showed him the CCTV footage when shivaay came back to Oberoi mansion. he immediately called a number.

"shivaay Singh Oberoi here, i want to know every information about my wife MRS. Anika Singh Oberoi... everything ... about her parents, schooling everything ..." - shivaay said and rested the phone.

"Sir, we tracked that taxi ... it's in Pune right now..." - khanna said where he called his chopper and left to Pune. 

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