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"First to go down wins!" he squealed.

"WHAT THE HELL! Please don't leave me here, I'm scared." My voice trembled while I hold on tightly on the tree's branch I was sitting on.

"Aww baby, don't be scared, you're just gonna have to jump down."

"Get back here, I swear I'm gonna cry." I pouted.

"Remember, I will catch you if you fall alright? Just like how I caught you when you fell in love with me." He said with a wink.

I rolled my eyes, remembering Justin Bieber's song, "Fall". I took a deep breath and closed my eyes as I finally jumped down.

And just like he said, he caught me.

"Told ya to trust me right?" He winked once again and kissed the tip of my nose.

"I died back there." I snapped and gave him a shove.

"Hey don't be mad, at least I taught you how to be brave!" he laughed.

"Whatever. I'm going home." I turned around and started to walk when he grabbed me by the waist and spun me around.

"I still have something for you babe." He whispered in my ear which gave me goosebumps.

"If this is some kind of another prank, I swear you're-" before I could finish my sentence, he held out a rectangular box and opened it in front of me.

"Not a prank, no spiders nor cockroaches." He wickedly smiled.

"Grey... it's beautiful." I stared with wide eyes at the silver necklace with a little G-clef pendant.

"Happy monthsary my love." He kissed my forehead and put the necklace on my neck.


"Ma'am, please straighten up your seat, we're landing." The flight attendant informed me with a sweet smile. Damn it. I was having the best dream ever. Well it's not really a dream. It already happened.

I miss Grey so much. My Grey Michaels. My boyfriend for 4 years. We dated when we were 13, freshmen. We're still together though. We were supposed to turn 17 together since we both have the same birthdate, but the accident happened.

The accident that turned my whole world upside down.

Like I said before, I didn't know what exactly happened. All I knew was that night, after the party, Grey was driving me home when a truck hit Grey's Porsche. But then after that, nothing made sense anymore.

I was in coma for 3 weeks. Miraculous, I know. My body was a wreck. I looked for Grey right away. They said he died when we got in the hospital but the news never said anything about a dead person in that accident. I never went to his funeral either but I never even got an invitation to do so. My parents protected me as much as possible from the pain that'll cause me if I ever see him lying on a coffin.

But I didn't believe he's dead. I had no idea what happened or how it happened, I just know that he's gonna come back for me.

But the truth hurts because that's the thing about pain, it demands to be felt. I quoted from The Fault In Our Stars which is true by the way. No matter how much you forget or ignore the pain, it's always there, demanding to be felt. It can never be erased nor forgotten.


I pushed a button on my armrest and automatically, the backrest straightened up by itself.

"Sweetie." My mom tapped my hand and when I turned to her, she was pointing outside the window of the plane.

"It's really nice here." I tried to give her a genuine smile as I stared out the window overlooking Gold Coast's ocean.

"It's the beginning of everything sweetheart." We're gonna move on, I promise." I just nodded at her and stood up to go to the lavatory. I walked grogilly down the aisle with my head down, massaging my temples. God I need more-

"Oww! What the hell!" My head shot up to see who it was who just cursed at me.

"I'm so sorry I didn't see-" I tried to explain to this brown-haired, square-faced, hazel brown-eyed rude guy but he cut me off immediately.

"That's because you're busy looking at the floor. Got something interesting down there?!" He snapped.

Oh dear God here it goes. "Look, I said I was sorry. Get over yourself, douchebag." I said and spun around, on my way back to my seat when someone grabbed my upper arm.

"Hey, I'm sorry for snapping at you like that. Jetlag, y'know." The dbag explained and removed his hand from my arm.

"Yeah sure, jetlag when you're still on the plane." I sarcastically said which I earned a laugh from him.

"Yeah I know, kind of weird but I'm Joshua O'Connell. Josh for short." he introduced himself and offered his hand for a shake.

"I'm not exactly in the mood right now 'cause you just snapped at me but I'm Avery Chance. Avery for short." I shook his hand.

"Not a shortcut but nice to meet you, british prettyhead." he sincerely smiled.

I giggled. "Now if you'll excuse me, I really have to pee." I said and he laughed wholeheartedly.

"Sure, sure." he said as I walked down the aisle quickly.

"Hey-" he said behind me but I don't have much time to listen 'cause I really really need to pee.

After God knows how many minutes had passed, I got out of the lavatory and tried to look for Josh again but couldn't find him anywhere. He must be far from where I'm sitting. I wonder if he lives in Australia. He's got the accent.

"Ma'am, please sit down and fasten your seatbelt, we're landing." God, when they woke me up they said we're landing and now we haven't even landed yet.

I just walked past the stewardess and sat down on my seat beside my dad.

"Welcome to Gold Coast, Australia, honey, and may the odds be ever in your favour." my dad mimicked Effie Trinket's voice and I laughed.

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