Ally Brooke ~ Imagine [3]

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It is first set during the time Ally is on the X-Factor then moves to when Fifth Harmony release their second album.


"y/n stop tickling me I am gonna pee!" Ally exclaimed as I relentlessly tickled her as she ate the last cookie. I gave up laughing at her as she sprinted to the bathroom. I sat down on the couch and waited for her to come back. She came out and straddled my lap making me put down my phone. She pulled me into a passionate kiss and I gladly kissed back. One kiss then turned into a make-out session with our tongues fighting for dominance, mine ultimately winning. Ally was grinding on my hips creating friction between us. It took all my will power to not take her right then. I pulled away and both of us were panting, her dark brown orbs were staring into my y/e/c ones.

She broke out into a fit of giggles and I smiled at her. Her laugh was music to my ears. We had been dating for two years and we were going well. We loved each other and that was enough for the both of us at the moment.

"Are you excited for your audition tomorrow?" I asked her

"I am both nervous and excited. I am going to be sining in front of so many people. What if I mess up and make a fool of myself?" She states as she plays with my fingers that were sitting in my lap in the gap between us

"You won't mess up babe. You're too good" I told her making her look into my eyes. She just smiled and pulled me into another kiss.

"Lets watch a movie" she stated getting off my lap and grabbing the remote to the television. Her older brother was upstairs in his room and Ally's parents had gone out on a date night and Ally had invited me over. Once she had the remote she came back over to me and snuggled into my side as I wrapped my arm around her, she had chosen to watch Titanic...again. But I didn't mind, anytime with her is time well spent.

Half way through the movie I knew Ally was asleep but I wanted to finish watching the movie. I slowly moved Ally's head so it was resting on my lap not my shoulder so her neck wouldn't hurt in the morning. I stroked my hand through her hair to keep her asleep, she needed all her energy for tomorrow. Just before the movie ended Ally's parents came home. They came in to see me and Ally and I told them I was just finishing the movie. They nodded and Ally's dad offered to take her up to her bed, I agreed knowing I wouldn't be strong enough and I didn't want to wake her up.

Not long after Ally's parents went to bed the movie finished and I went upstairs and into Ally's room and saw she was tucked in and looked all cute. I got into some comfy clothes and hopped in beside her. It was like she knew I was there as she instantly snuggled into me. I kissed the top of her head and snuggled further into her little body. 

I awoke the next morning to Ally jumping on me telling me to get up. I groggily opened my eyes and saw her looking at me with nothing but excitement in her eyes. She shook me again telling me to get up as we had to get ready to leave. I sat up and stretched and yawned. Ally gave me a kiss on the cheek and told me to get dressed as she ran out of the room and downstairs. I chuckled and got dressed and went and put my hair in a high pony tail. I made my way downstairs to see that there was a plate of waffles and fruit waiting for me. I sat at the kitchen bench and added syrup to my waffles and ate as Ally ate as well.

Once we were done we went upstairs and brushed our teeth and grabbed our backpacks and went and hopped into the car where Ally's parents were waiting. We had to stop many times on the drive because Ally drank so much water as she wanted to stay hydrated and keep her vocal chords lubricated. I fell asleep half and hour into the drive with my music playing in my ears.

I was awoken to a soft kiss being placed on my lips and I knew it was Ally. I smiled into the kiss and woke up. We were now at the venue and we were heading in to get Ally all sorted for her audition. We were sitting in the room with all the other contestants. Ally was sitting there with her leg bouncing up and down. I placed my hand on her leg and it stopped bouncing and she looked at me. I smiled at her and gave her a quick kiss and she smiled back at me.

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