Camila Cabello ~ Imagine [4]

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You are taking Camila home to meet your family for the first time. (Camila is 18)



It was an easy morning this morning.  I was wrapped up in Camila's embrace and I couldn't feel anymore at home. We've been dating for just over a year now and it's been the best. Yes we've had our fair share of fights, but we got over them and our relationship is stronger because of them.

I knew today was going to be nerve racking for the both of us. I was taking Camila to meet my family. It's the first time where she's had more than one day off from singing and what not with the girls. So i decided it was time to show her off to my family.

My dad was very protective of me. I was his only daughter. I have three older brothers and two younger brothers. Growing up with boys was hard but I loved them all so much. It got harder when my mother passed away when I was 10. It was hard for the whole family but we got through it. Dad is now seeing someone else. Her name is Crystal and she is extremely nice and makes my dad happy.

I am now freshly 20 and living a happy healthy life. My eldest brother Joe is 29, then Mitchell is 25, then there is Zander who is 22, then me, then my twin brothers Jack and Xavier who are 17. I love all my brothers but I am especially close to Zander. He was my rock when mum passed away and our bond just grew stronger.

Everyone was going to be there today. Including Joe's wife, Katie, and their two kids Jill and Lucy. Zander's girlfriend, Lily and then also Jack's girlfriend, April. I have met them all before and they are all really nice and it is nice to have some more females around when it comes to family gatherings.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't know Camila woke up. I looked over at her and smiled. I loved her smile so much. How every time she looked at me her smile reached her eyes. She made me one happy human.

"Do you wanna come to the Cafe for breakfast with me and the girls?" She asked me as she leaves kisses on my exposed neck

"Mmmhmm sure" I said as I closed my eyes and let pure bliss take over my body. Her kisses ended up on my lips and I smiled into the kiss.

"We should go get ready" she stated as she stared me in the eyes with a smile. I nodded and gave her one last peck and got dressed. Once we were both ready I drove us to the Cafe and me the rest of the girls there.


We were now standing at the door of my fathers house. It was a big house but not over the top. I grabbed Camila's hand and gave it a kiss then knocked on the door. I heard someone unlock it and then open it. I looked down and saw that both Lucy and Jill were standing there.

"Auntie y/n!" My two year old niece exclaimed. I smiled and bent down to Lucy's level and picked her up. Jill was five and she came over and hugged my legs. I hugged her back and then re-held Camila's hand.

"Jill, Lucy this is Camila. She is my girlfriend and is here to meet you all" I told the two girls. They both said hi but Lucy then buried her head into my shoulder. She was the shy one. Jill then guided us through the house to where the others were seated. I put Lucy down when we got outside and she ran off with her sister.

"Hey everyone. Your favourites here!" I announced and everyone looked up and laughed. I made my rounds and gave everyone a hug.

"Now everyone this is my wonderful girlfriend Camila. Camila this is Zander, Lily, Jack, April, Xavier, Mitchell, Joe, Katie, John and Crystal." I told her as I pointed to everyone.

There were a few hey's and nice to meet you's and I could see that this night would go well. Once she was introduced I went over to Zander and gave him another hug. This one bigger than the others. I had really missed him and was glad to see him. Me and him went inside leaving Camila with the others, she was old enough to take care of herself, to check on the big roast that was cooking considering Zander was a chef. I sat on the counter while Zander did what he did.

"She's a real cutie y/n. You better treat her right" he told me as he worked

"Yeah I know. I plan on never letting her go. She makes me so happy" I said with a smile thinking about my amazing girlfriend

"I am glad your happy. I know for a fact mum would love her and she would be very proud of what a beautiful young woman you've become" he said turning to me  

"Woah having a girlfriend has turned you all sappy big bro" I said with a giggle.
"But thank you, I know that she still watches over us" I smiled at Zander and followed him back outside.

I saw Camila in deep conversation with the other girls and made my way over to my dad. It was nice to catch up with my family. We were a really tight unit and if you messed with one of us you messed with all of us.


Dinner had been eaten and now those left were outside having a few drinks. Camila and I couldn't but the others were. Jack, April and Xavier headed upstairs as they had a big day planned for tomorrow and wanted to be well rested. Joe and Katie headed home to put he kids to bed. Zander's girlfriend also headed home as their dog cannot be alone at night time. So it was just Mitchell, Zander, my dad, Crystal, Camila and I. 

It was nice seeing how well Camila fitted into the family. It was very important to me as I value my family's opinion very much and I am just glad they all get along. I knew that this is how I wanted it to be forever. I knew that in this moment, within the next few years, I would propose to Camila and then have our dream wedding and start a family of our own.

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