Your First Kiss

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It was your third date. You were at Lauren's house as she was on break for the day. She had built a fort in her living room and had brought all your favourite snacks and movies. You were over the moon happy. You really liked Lauren and you couldn't believe that someone famous would fall for you. You were both snuggling in the fort watching (your favourite movie) and eating (your favourite snack). You could not wipe the smile off your face, you were cuddled into her side her intoxicating vanilla smell invaded your nose and you snuggled further into her. You felt her gaze on you and you looked up to her. You were trapped in her emerald stare. Her eyes were so captivating but you loved them. You felt her move closer and her lips were ghosting yours. You lent in and connected your lips to hers. The kiss moved quite fast and you were now straddling her and in a full make out session. You ended up smiling into one of the kisses and it broke the rhythm. You lent your forehead on hers and pecked her on the lips once more. You lied down on her and she wrapped her arms around you and you both stayed there. You were listening to her heart beat and the fait sound of the movie in the background, too drained out to hear properly by the overwhelming feeling of happiness that consumed your body. 


She had invited you to a water park with her family. You had been on a few dates with Dinah but this would be the first time you met her family. You were extremely nervous. You put on your favourite swim suit and put a nice flowing sun dress over the top and chucked on a pair of sandals. You heard a knock at the door and you knew it would be Dinah. You were thankful your parents were out this weekend so you knew your mum couldn't embarrass you in front of Dinah. You grabbed your phone and purse and headed downstairs. You opened the door and was greeted by a smiling Dinah. She engulfed you in a tight hug and all you could do was hug her back and smile. You both walked to the car and you were greeted by her parents and younger siblings.
You were now at the park and you were in line to get onto the flowrider. You hadn't been on it before and you were extremely uncoordinated and you were nervous you were going to make a fool out of yourself in front of Dinah. You were surprised at how not many people recognised her. It was now Dinah's turn to go and she was amazing. You were now more nervous to have your turn.
Your turn came around and you were worried you were going to completely fail. You stepped onto the board and you were doing well. You seemed to lose balance and the board was swept from under you and you went tumbling backwards. You seemed to land on your shoulder a bit funny and it was sore. You walked off to Dinah and she seemed to pick up on your pain. You both walked back to the chairs and Dinah went to find you some ice. She came back not long after and held it on your shoulder for you. She was close to you and you couldn't help but look at her lips. She started to lean in and you did to. When your lips connected it felt like the butterflies in your stomach exploded. Your kiss was broken by Regina exclaiming "eww" as she walked over with Kamila. You both pulled away and laughed as Regina came and sat on your lap. It was safe to say you had fallen for Dinah.     


You were invited to one of the girls' show and you were excited. You were currently in their dressing room with them helping Lauren with her nails. You and Lauren had bonded fast and you now consider her one of your best friends. You didn't notice, but, this made Camila a little jealous. She just wanted to have all your attention and be with you all the time that you could. Although what Camila didn't know is that you only had eyes for her. 
The girls were now on stage and they were performing big bad wolf. Your eyes never left Camila. She would occasionally look over to you in the wings and wink and smirk at you and you always blushed. They were now in their last song and you were dancing on the side along with them and every time Camila saw you she had to look away so she didn't break out into a fit of giggles. As the girls walked off stage you gave everyone a hug and Camila was last. But she pulled you into a passionate kiss. You were shocked at the start but then started kissing back as the other four girls started cheering. She had finally made the move you were too scared to make and you were happy that she did.


She had invited you over to one of the movie nights with the girls. You were excited, you had instantly clicked with all the girls. You had been seeing Normani for a few weeks but you were too nervous to make the first move so you decided once Normani was ready she'd make the first move. You were in sweatpants and one of Normani's jumpers. You were helping Ally put all the snacks in bowls while the others sorted out drinks and where we were all going to sit and what movie we were going to watch. You and Ally carried the snacks into the living room where the others were waiting. You placed everything on the coffee table and went to sit next to Normani but she pulled you down so you were lying between her legs with your back to her front. You smiled and snuggled back into her whilst interlocking her fingers with yours. 
The movie was over and everyone had fallen asleep except for you and Normani. You helped her put all the snacks away and place blankets on the others. You couldn't stay the night because you had to be up extremely early the next morning so Normani walked you to the door. She pulled you into a tight hug and you inhaled her sweet scent. Normani pulled away slightly and looked from your eyes to your lips and you did the same. She lent in and you closed your eyes. Her soft lips met yours and you were in heaven. It was everything you hoped for and more. You both pulled away at the same time and you both had face-eating grins plastered on your faces. You gave her one last peck on the lips and headed home and that smile never left your face. 


You and Ally were baking double choc chip biscuits for Lauren's birthday that was coming up soon. You had successfully made one batch and were onto the second one. You were jamming out to your playlist you made together and the kitchen was just filled with good vibes. You weren't expecting it so when a big flour cloud covered your face you were beyond surprised. You looked over to Ally who was trying hard not to laugh at you. You grabbed her and proceeded to tickle her until she was begging you to stop. The timer for the cookies went off so you let go of Ally and let her get them out while you went to the bathroom to wipe your face to rid it of flour. You walked back in and Ally had cleaned everything up. Forgetting that it just came out of the oven you picked up the now empty oven tray to give to Ally but instantly dropped it as it burnt your hand. You scolded yourself for being so clumsy and proceeded to swear at the amount of pain you were in. 
Ally grabbed your arm and dragged you to the kitchen sink and ran cool water over your burn. You hissed in pain and wanted to pull away but Ally kept your arm there. About 5 minutes later you had calmed down and Ally led you to the bathroom so she could put some creme on it and wrap it lightly. You were sat on the edge of the bathtub and Ally's delicate hands went to work making sure your hand was okay. You couldn't take your eyes off of her as you watched her work. When she was done she saw you looking at her and smiled. You stood up but still looking into her eyes. You were taller than her but not too much taller. You licked your lips and leant in. Your lips connected and her hands found your shoulders while yours found her waist. It was a great first kiss and you pulled away due to Ally smiling into the kiss. She made you happy.    

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