Medical Emergency

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"Okay, so I'm taking Alyson to daycare. I'm picking her up at twelve again and then we're meeting you for lunch at Luigi's?" (Y/N) inquires as she rushes to throw the last of her daughter's toys in her backpack, grabbing her own handbag from the kitchen counter.

Alan is seated at the counter, tea and toast in front of him as he reads the morning paper.

"Sounds about right," he confirms in his deep morning voice.

Alan isn't due for filming for another two hours, but instead of lying in he prefers to spend the morning with his wife and daughter.

She leans down to her husband and kisses his mouth delicately.

"I love you. The both of you," he assures as he rubs smalls circles on her back while she stands back up straight.

"Oh, Alan," she sighs with a heavy heart. "Are we making the right decision sending her to daycare? Don't you think it's too soon?"

Alan discards the newspaper and they both lovingly look over at their daughter where she's seated on the sofa in the living room, paging through her favourite picture book.

As she stands next to where he is seated, his arm wraps around her waist and he turns her to face him.

"Darling, we've been through this. She needs to interact with other kids her age. She needs mental as well as social stimulation. I know you put all your time and effort into educating her, but I can see the toll it's taking on you. The teachers will take it from here. She'll learn a lot more in an actual school setting than from being home with Rosa all day. You'll see - daycare will do her good."

(Y/N) sighs and rests her chin atop his head.

"I hate it when you're right," she sighs in defeat and lovingly caresses his face.

He chuckles lowly, "besides, it's only from seven to twelve. In five hours you'll be reunited with your carbon copy again."

She looks at the watch on her wrist and gasps as she sees the time.

"We need to get going if we want to be on time for her first day."

She gives Alan one last peck and calls her daughter to the door.

"Aly, poppet, come on. It's go-time."

Alyson slides off the couch before placing the book back on the shelf and waddles over to her awaiting mother at the front door. Alan picks her up playfully as she squeals and carries her outside to the car.

Outside the wind is blowing and the street is busy as traffic can be heard from their doorstep.

Alan is still in his sleep attire: grey sweatpants that accentuate his manhood, a comfortable white t-shirt, and a wooly cardigan he threw on before heading out the door.

With Alyson still in his arms, he looks warily around for any paparazzi before taking his wife's hand in his and escorting them along the short walk to the Merc parked at the curb in front of the townhouse.

His wife proceeds to the other side of the car, placing their bags on the back seat while he helps to strap Alyson into her car seat.

"Promise you'll be a good girl for Daddy today?"

Alyson nods enthusiastically and gives a loud yawn.

Alan chuckles, "clearly it's still too early for some people. I'll see you at lunch, my love."

He places a soft kiss on her forehead before securing the buckles and closing the door. He leans through the open front passenger window and greets his wife for one last time.

Alan Rickman x Plus-size Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now