Old Flame

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The_Black_Spy requested this one a long time ago and here it finally is! Mittinkittin69 requested another smut chapter, so I hope this will suffice!

👆🏻The pic of Alan up there is how I'm imagining him to look like for this one.

On a side note, can I just say that I've never had sex before (yes, I'm a virgin *shocker*) so, I don't really know if I'm writing these things correctly. Let me know!


Her cheeks are starting to hurt from all the fake smiling she's been doing all night. Hopefully, this will be the last time she has to attend one of these celebrity after-parties.

Especially ones that aren't organised by a big corporation, like the Met Gala or the Emmy's. Instead, the after-party she finds herself at tonight is organised by American actor, Josh Duhamel.

It's fairly cramped as one-hundred-and-twenty guests mingle in his dingy Nottingham flat, typical current pop songs blasting over speakers.

It's obvious he knows nothing about British real estate.

Any blind person can see that this flat is merely kept as a weekend getaway retreat, judging from the uncomfortable futuristic furniture and the excessively clean apartment, completely taking away from the historic mid-century London aesthetic outside.

Clearly, it's just a display house, (Y/N) thinks to herself as she notes the lack of personal items.

Her body jerks, nearly spilling her fourth glass of red, as a guest bumps into her without apology.

Too many fucking people.

She tuts her tongue and downs the remainder of her intoxicating drink before walking off to find her husband, bumping in to yet another guest.

"My God!" She seethes. "If someone bumps into me one more time, I swear to Go-" her breath falters as she looks up into the shining chestnut eyes belonging to Alan.

"I don't remember you ever being this cranky, (Y/N)," he smirks and offers a tilt of his head in greeting.

"Alan..." she breathes. "I-I didn't know you were attending the party too."

"I have to agree, it's not my typical party scene, but I'm a plus one to an old friend. You?"

"I'm here with..." she clears her throat as it seems to have gone dry suddenly.

"With Talbott?"

"Yes," she confirms with a nod of her head.

"How is he these days?" Alan enquires, attempting at small-talk.

"He's fine. Off to the Netherlands for work one of these days..."

"Hm," he gives a tight-lipped smile.

Alan's never really liked Talbott.

"A-anyway, I need to get back to him. It was nice seeing you again, Alan," she turns to leave, nearly tripping on her emerald green dress in the process.

Shit. Keep it together, (Y/N)!

Alan chuckles at her clumsiness, "Good to see you again, too, (Y/N). I do hope we can catch up during the evening."

"Yeah, sure. I'll see you later, Al."

She rounds the corner, resting against the wall, panting, as she reminisces about what just happened.

Alan Rickman x Plus-size Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now