You Are My Heart

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A/N: This week turned out very different - I was working on two or three chapters at a time since inspiration hit me real hard. And then I get the most amazing DM - a request! I had so much fun writing this one since it's something I never would have thought of writing. Thank you so much Shayleemf_19 for requesting this one! I hope you enjoy it and I hope it eases your nerves a tiny bit before your big day. Stay strong - everything will be alright.



Ahem... Ahem... Drones the soft sound of (Y/N) clearing her throat nervously in the living room, along with the soft sound of the television and the contrasting pop of the crackling fire burning in the fireplace. 

"I'm fascinated watching a flock of birds just knowing all to turn and make patterns. Amazing how they do that, isn't it?" Alan tucks his sock-clad feet in underneath him, referring to the BBC Earth program they are currently watching.   

"Hmmm," (Y/N) agrees absent-mindedly where she's sitting next to him on the sofa, using her forefinger and thumb to push her bottom lip in between her teeth as she chews nervously.

Ahem... Ahem-ahem... Ahem.

Alan looks over at his wife staring into the crackling fire, zoned out, knowing that she involuntarily makes repetitive throat-clearing noises only when she's extremely nervous. 

"Darling, are you listening?" 

"Hmmm." Ahem.

Still no reaction. 

"Here," he mumbles as he leans over her for the remote, switching off the television. "What's going on in that big beautiful brain of yours?"

His fingers trail lightly down her arm, pulling her from her deep trance.

"Hm? Sorry," she smiles up at him apologetically. "I'm just," she gives a big sigh, wringing her cold hands, "I'm just mentally going over tomorrow's surgery."

"Would you like to talk about it?" 

"No, no, you're watching your program. Perhaps later."

"Nonsense," he offers sweetly, "I've got it pre-recorded anyway. I can finish watching it at a later time."

She rests the back of her head against the sofa, staring up at him in silence. 

"Are you sure?"

He gives her a look as if to say of course I'm sure - you know this is more important. 

She smiles as he reaches behind him for the notebook and pen that they have laying scattered throughout the house. 

"I take it you'd want to start with the pros first?"

A nervous nod before she takes a deep breath. 

"Number one," he calls out after drawing a line down the middle of the page, labelling each side as PROS and CONS with a big bold heading at the top of the small rectangular yellow page - OPEN-HEART SURGERY.

A chill runs down her spine as her eyes scan the words on the page. It's definitely not the first time she will be undergoing surgery, quite the contrary, actually. Being born with Congenital Heart Disease that has left her with three holes in her heart, (Y/N) has had her fair share of seven open-heart surgeries in the past but none of them was as frightening as tomorrow's surgery - especially with a worldwide pandemic literally hanging in the air. 

"No more chest pain," Alan starts to scribble with his elongated handwriting, pulling her from her internal panic. 

"Right. No more chest pain," she smiles relieved. Oh, what a joyous day that would be.

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