"Sighs of a School-Girl"

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track²; sighs of a school-girl :

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track²; sighs of a school-girl :

My life is more like a daily soap
In which I play two roles -
The villain as well as the heroine
People who matter to me
Are part of the side cast.

Things never seem to go my way
Without a fight never goes by a day
Be it in my classroom
Or in my home;
My viewers will never be bored.

Drooling over tempting things lead to
Brooding about impossible situations
That is when the side cast
Steps in and decides to
Drag me back to reality.

The days of my drama are numbered
And it is time to step
Out of the cocoon of blissful ignorance and find
A whole, new world at the doorstep.

And, boy! It's full of drama as well!


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