16 2 1

This chapter is dedicated to a special reader of this book. mirandabo12 You are amazing!! You've provided me the encouragement and support by adding this to your list and reading and voting! Thank you so so much!


       I stealthily step down the marble steps, careful as to not wake any nearby Sawyers. My eyes glance around the dim living room, the only source of light which illuminated the room was the moonlight from the tall windows.

The AC is still on full-blast, pebbles drawing on my skin as I realized the lack of clothing I sported for this little endeavor.

I'm dressed in a maroon singlet paired with tight white shorts, the only set of sleepwear I could only afford for myself and have worn for almost three years.

                    I had bought the 'biggest' size when I was about fourteen and now, I'm practically blowing up in it.

Haha, tragic.

I huff out a heavy breath, finally reaching the ground floor and making my to wherever the kitchen may be. I survey the vast space, tiptoeing around until I think I found the kitchen.

My eyes immediately snap to a lit laptop on top of the marbled counter and that's when I knew it - someone is here.

A sudden grip on my waist shoves me forward against the counter, a sudden shriek escaping my lips only to have a firm hand cover my mouth. An arm snakes around my torso, holding me against their solid chest.

Is that abs I feel?

Oh god Reagan, SNAP OUT OF IT.

I shake the thoughts out of my head, thrashing in this stranger's hold.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my house?" Demands a smooth, deep voice. I let out a muffled string of words, hoping he'd get the hint that I can't fucking talk with his hand on my damn mouth.

I'm feeling my bubble burst.

Calm down, Reagan.

How the bloody hell do you calm down in a situation like this?!

I feel his grip on my waist tighten as the hand that covers my mouth falls freely away. I blow out a heavy sigh before snapping angrily. "Unhand me, you bastard! I should ask who you are!" I felt my accent thicken with rage.

"You're the stranger in my home. You tell me who you are." His voice drips with authority but I totally ignore it, glancing down to see that he was also bare feet. Without thinking further, I jab my foot down onto his - shoving him back the moment his arm loosens. I feel him grunt in pain, stumbling back.

I take this opportunity to shove him onto the floor, both hands planted near his shoulders as we both fall down. He nearly hits the vase behind him but my hand decides to instinctively shove it aside, causing it to tumble and shatter in pieces.

We land on the floor with a thud and I willingly straddle his torso, keeping him pinned as I grab the nearest thing to me.

A fucking thick-arse book.

Threatening, I know.

I hold it above him threateningly, nails digging into the book. That's when I freeze as he stares into my eyes as I am utterly speechless at the sight of the most vivid blues I've ever seen. He seems as awestruck as I am, his eyes flashing with realization as he looks deep into my eyes.

He looked bloody familiar and goddamn beautiful.

"What on earth is going on?!" Shrieks a panicked voice, instantly breaking our trance. I snap my attention towards the approaching mother, my eyes flickering with a sudden dawn of realization and I hurriedly scramble off of him, hearing Debra rush down the stairs as lights all around us brighten up the darkness in an instant.

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