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Thick silence weighs heavily in the car as Pauline plays with her stuffed bear.

I had decided to sit at the back with her because I didn't really want to be too close to the gorgeous man.

            My eyes linger at the back of his head, luscious gold hair streaked with similar tones. I continue down his broad shoulders until I feel a burning stare on the side of my face.

      I glance at the mirror, gazing straight into his hypnotic blue orbs.

There's something about him I can't put my finger on and it's killing me.

Who is he?

Why is he looking at me that way?

Why is he so fucking gorgeous?

Where had I met him?

Oh god, please look away. Please look away. Please look away.

His eyes remain trained on me.

              Seeing as he won't, I gather every mental strength I have to force my eyes away from our heated gaze.

             A brightly colored building pulls up on sight, several children scattered across the fields with a few maids and parents present as well.

Calvin pulls up at what seems to be Trinity Preschool. I turn my head when Pauline excitedly jumps in her seat before giving me a hug.

"See you later, Riri!" With that, she pushes the door open to get out - noticing that Calvin also exited the car to give Reagan her bag from the compartment.

I watch the adorable scene unfold, Calvin kneeling to give his little sister a quick hug and a kiss on a forehead before watching her go. I smile wholeheartedly when I see her dash straight for her circle of friends, grinning happily.

That's when it dawns on me.

Oh shit.

I'm going to be alone with Calvin.

                 I feel something shaking rapidly and I glance down to see my leg jumping up and down. "Oh bloody hell, calm down." I tell myself as I watch Calvin round the car to get in the driver's seat.

I inhale a sharp breath, holding my leg down as I watch him slide in. He steps on the gas, following the path ahead as we pass the Preschool Building.

Awkward silence hovers in the car and I swear I could slice it with a knife. And then I remembered.

I swallow hard. "Uh, how's your foot?" I mutter, loud enough for him to hear. I don't meet his gaze but I know he's looking.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it." He replies, turning the wheel.

I flicker my eyes to look at him, noticing he wasn't looking so I look away again. "Sorry 'bout it. It was an impulsive act-"

"Like I said, it's fine." He cuts me off sternly. "I wouldn't be driving if it was that bad."

I press my lips together, nodding along as I wring my hands together.

The whole ride remained silent until we got to school. There weren't much people because it's still pretty early and I'm guessing rich kids don't like punctuality.

He pulls the car to a halt, exiting the car and I scramble for my door. Before I could pull the handle, the door swings open and I glance up to see Calvin waiting for me to step out. His hand is offered towards me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2019 ⏰

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