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Very few of us have experienced true fear.

To you, fear might be watching Friday the 13th or Scream in a dark basement. Or maybe it's yelling "Bloody Mary!" in a mirror three times at midnight.

That's not fear.

That's just your head telling you to be afraid. But perhaps you've experienced something closer to fear.

By this I mean that split second where you're between the seat on your bike and the cement ground. Or if you have to go to the hospital because you broke your arm.

That's still not fear.

Fear is something you sense before fully feeling.

It entwines itself through your veins like plants, slithers around your bones like snakes.

It plunges into your heart, making it beat faster and faster by the second, and grabs at your lungs as your breaths become quicker.

That's fear.

There are two types of people after being affected by fear: those who are paralyzed and those who aren't. Those who aren't run. Luckily I wasn't paralyzed.

I've experienced the most terrible fear you can imagine.

It was gruesome, horrible, and everything in between. While I shouldn't get into detail (yet) I can tell you I was tortured mostly physically, but also mentally a little.

I didn't ask for any of this.

I didn't expect it to happen at all. I thought being an exchange student for my first semester of senior year would be fun. Plus, I didn't need to learn a new language; they spoke English in Ireland.

But it happened anyway, and I was so oblivious up until the end.

Now you're probably like "For the love of God, start the story already!" And don't worry, it will. But I want to warn you that it won't be pretty- at all. Are we good here? Still want to read it? Okay then.

So, I have one more thing left to say.

My name is Sarah Henderson, and I lived with a killer who murdered for fun.

This is my story.






Copyright 2014 ©-17black-

All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: I do not own Niall Horan or anyone associated with him. This is a work of purely fiction from my imagination. None of these events actually happened.

This story is going to be short- only 15 to 20 chapters. But don't worry, I'll make sure each chapter is good and completed. ;)

Rated R for some (but not a lot of) sexual content, language, some drinking, and heavy violence. I wouldn't read it at night.

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